Additions 2010/03/08ADDITIONS TO COUNCIL, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2010 COUNCIL ~. Correspondence from the Downtown BIA re: Request that the City offer free parking on Queen Street tluring the month of March. RECOMMENDATION'. For the Consideration of Council. BUDGET MATTERS 1. REPORT: DAD-2010-03 ~ Grants, Fees for Service and Subsidies Dow~ttc3wn NiF~ Hoard of Mmagement March 3'°, 2010 T<L: 985J56.5 W W81 Qnsn SVCa FAx: 9USJSG5GG9 Niagara Falls, Onmrio hia@niugamlellsdov I,z¢v_a rrwe_ o mr~n.mwamw~mm wrn;.rw.~s c~ur'•i0la!D~11E'US ATTENTION: Dean IorRtla, City Clerk Corporation of [he City of Niagara Falls 4310 Queen Street P.O. Box 1023 Nlagara Falls, ON ¢E6%s Oear Mt lorfida: We respecHUlly request [hat the Clry offer free parking on Oueen Street during the month of March. As you are well aware construction drastically reduces haffc to the businesses on the street antl surrounding areas. The merchants have decided tp create a "construction sale" during this month to entice customers back m the area. We would appreciate if [he City could assist us in capturing and retaining the traffic we have worked so hard fo get. Yours truly, DOW NTOWN BOFRD OF MPNRGEMENT Tonl Williams, General Manager Tw:cm crFile Downtown Nlagara Falls: Where Friends Make the Difference ~~ Niagara~alls REPORT TO: Councillor Victor Pietrangelo, Chair and Members of the Corporate Services Committee City of Niagara Falls, Ontario SUBMITTED BY: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: CAO-2010-03 Grants, Fees for Service and Subsidies CAO-2010-03 March 8, 2010 RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the expenditure reductions totalling $186,215 in the 2010 Grants, Fees for Service and Subsidies as outlined in Appendix "A" with the $210,000 shortfall to be taken from the reserves account from property interest from sale of land (Montrose Rd) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As per Council direction, Staff has worked with all but four of the groups that receive City support in the form of a discretionary grant, fee for service, or subsidy. All of the groups have made their best efforts to accept the proposed reductions, but have stated that the reductions would impact their community service. Many of the groups will draw upon their reserves to substitute for the reduced support, and have warned that use of reserves is not a sustainable practice. Some of the groups, including the Library and Museums, would reduce their staffing costs, and in some services their operating hours, to achieve the reductions. A few of the groups are not able to accept any reduction as it would jeopardize the continuation of their services. Based on the work with each of the groups, Staff has prepared Appendix "A"which shows the amended reductions in the 2010 Grants, Fees for Service and Subsidies totalling $186,215. BACKGROUND On January 25, 2010, Staff presented the strategy to resolve the 2010 Budget dilemma. This short term solution included the review of Grant programs (reduction indiscretionary grants), and redefining Fee for Service contents and relationships. During the discussion, Council amended the segregated listing of groups that receive a Discretionary Grant vs a Fee for Service. Council also referred the Fee for Service groups back to the appropriate Staff for review of the 2010 requests for support. Staff also undertook to provide recommendations for Council to consider at the February 22, 2010 meeting, which would include the recommendations from the Arts and Culture, and Recreation committees. On February 22, 2010, Staff presented recommendations fora 10% reduction on Discretionary Grants, a 5% reduction on Fees for Service and a 5% reduction on the Library and Museums subsidies. The total of the reductions was $366,133. During the discussion, several groups made presentations on the adverse effects resulting from the reductions. Council directed Staff to work with the groups to refine their budgets and report back to Council. march e, zolo -z cqo-z9lo-oa ANALYSISIRATIONALE Stall has worketl with all but (our of the groups that receive City support in the form of a discretionary grant, fee for service, or subsitly. The following chart is a summary of [he financial consitleration for each of the groups. The following comments and notes come from the Staff discussions with the groups. Grants, Fees for Service 8 Subsitlias 2009 Approvetl Amount gmount lncletletl in Oec14, 2009 Butlget New Amount Feb. 22, 2010 New gmount marcb B, 2010 AHS & CulWra Comml¢ee_ Niagara Falls Concetl Band Niagara Falls An Gallery Niagara District Ad Association 3,800 39000 4812 4,000 30,000 4912 3,600 2],000 4421 3,600 2],000 4421 Recreation Committee: Niagara Falls Hodicultural Society Stamford Lions Village of Cbippawa Citizen's Committee ]20 0,800 900 ]20 8,800 1 000 848 ],920 900 gqg 6,000 900 GHGH Foundation 0 0 0 0 Protect Sndre 314,100 314,100 202,690 298,400 Women's Place in South Niagara 21,500 21,500 19,350 19,350 YWCA Niagara Regicn 56,]83 5],000 51,333 51,333 W'mter Festival of LigMS 342000 342,000 30]800 342000 483 (Reg.NiagamJ WingRGAF ASSOC. 0 0 0 0 Recreation Committee: Boys B Girls Club Niagara Falls Badminton Tennis Club Niagara Falls Lawn Bawling Club Niagara Falls Summer Swim Lessons 182,800 4,000 3,600 13,500 192,800 5,000 3,600 13 500 183,180 4,]50 3,420 12,825 192,000 4,p00 3,420 12,825 Animal Control Barvlces INPN81 452,542 952,542 429,918 452,592 Niagara Chair-A-Van Services 412,428 412428 391 80] 398,420 Niagara Dlsldcl Airpod Commission 89281 88,291 89,291 89291 StemfoN VFF Association (Firemen's) 15,200 4,800 4,040 14,440 Cbippawa lions Park 34000 34,000 32,300 33,000 Optimist Pflrk 30,000 30,000 28,500 28,500 Niagara Falls Tourism 360.000 360,000 342,000 360A00 Niagara Falls Illumination Boartl 36,050 36,050 36050 36050 SL John Ambulance Water Patrol 34,500 34,500 32,]]5 32,900 Niagara Falls Llbrery Boartl 3,891,300 4,691,308 3,508,]41 3,5]1,306 Nagara Falls Boartl of Museums 4]5,999 9]5,999 450,4]9 450,4]9 Total $6,628,511 $6,819,846 $8,253,]15 $6,473,633 MarcM1 8, 3010 -3- CAO~R010~03 YWCA Elizabeth Zimmerman, YWCA, has provided some of the history for the Niagara Falls facility including the funding formula that was Council approved in 2005. The Culp Street facility was reopened through the coopemtlve efforts of the YWCA of SL Ga[herlnes, Province, Region, City and the Uni[etl Way of Niagara Falls (UWNF). A 15-year, non interest bearing, forgivable mortgage was secured from CMHC for the capital improvements. The Region (which is 80% subsidized by the Province), UWNF and City agreed to share in the operating costs of the facility. The City's share was reduced hum the 2003 annual grant of $85,000 to $51,720. Staff reviewed the 2009 operating statement and 2010 budget for YWCA. The 2009 year-end shows a small surplus of $2,496 for the Niagara Falls facility, however; there was an overall operating deficit of 826,246 for their Niagara Region report. The 2010 Budget for the Niagara Falls facility shows a planned surplus of $4,064 which may be sufficien~to absorbaretluction in the City grant. However', ~heVWCA advised that the UWNF will be reducing its 2010 support. The YWCA is willing to accept the reduction of $5,667 from their 2009 grant of $56,673. The impact from the City and UWNF reductions will be reflected in [he stalling and programming costs and may necessarily be drawn from Ihelr unrestricted fund balance. The YWCA wants to continue discussions with [he City on the Annual Grant. The YWCA believes that further reductions will jeopardize the 24/1 operation of the facility. Staff will require direction from the Council whether the original funding model is to be continued. N'aapra Falls Humane Soc'eN Jay Cesroches, Niagara Falls Humane Society (NFHS), updated Staff on the progress that has made on increasing operating revenues, decreasing operating costs, and Board initiated changes to operations. The recent cash infusion from the Ciys mortgage has stabilized the NFHS financial position. Revenues are increasing year-over-year with increased licence fees and increased adoption rates. Costs are decreasing year-over-year with lower vet medicine pricing, lower micro-chipping costs and the use of in-house vet techs instead of professional vets. The NFHS Board has changed operations by relaxing their no-kill policy. Sickly animals are being euthanised to reduce the risks of infecting healihyanimals. Also, non life threatening surgical treatments are being cancelled to avoid unnecessary vet costs. Although [he financial position has been stabilized and the operations are improving, there is still a risk of an operating deficit if the annual fee for service is reduced. Stall has requested the 2W9 year-end Financial Statement. Also, 2010 monthly monitoring Is needed to ensure the[ the operations do not Incur a deficit. The Board wishes to continue to provide the services to the Ci[y and would like to continue negotiations on the Fee for Service. The Board is requesting that the 2009 amount of $462,542 be maintained in 2010 until the new agreement is flnal'¢etl. March 8, 2010 ~d- LAO-2010-OI Stamfortl Lions Club Mlke Davey, representing Stamfortl Lions Club, indlcetetl that [he Club Is willing to accept the $880 retluction from the 50,000 grant request. Staff asked if the Club coultl hantlle [he Recreation Committee's recommendation ofa$2,800 reduction. Mc Davey intlica[ed the retluction is too much and would impact its ability to operate the Club Hall and their community services. Village of Ch'ooawa G'fzens Committee Carole Ede, Village of Chippewa Citizens Commiflee, has agreetl to the $100 retluction from the $1,000 grant request. The annual gran[ would be ma'mtainetl at [he 2009 level of $900 as per [he Recreation Committee's recommendation. N'agara Chair-A-Van The Nlagara Chair-A-Van Boartl has identified three ways of decreasing the 2010 budget request by 514,000. The following is a breaktlown of reducions'. Eliminate City Fuel Mark up $ 5,000 00 Eliminate City Labour/Parts Mark up 3,000.00 Unspent 2009 (ending allocation 6 000.00 Total Reduction $ 14,000.00 Staff is investigating with Sambrook Media the possibility to provide advertising on the sides and/or backs of the Chair-A-Van vehicles, as tlone on conventional transit vehicles. 463 RCAF Wino Assoi at on Gary Beck and Jim Dougherty, 403 RCAF Wing Associatioq believed that the grant of $5,000 which was lowered from originally the submilletl amount of $30,000 could be accommodatetl in the grants or in other areas like advertising or promotion. Stall explained that Council hatl approved 2°o expentliture reductions from the City's 2009 Budget and that promotions and advertising were areas that were reduced. The Association indicated it had worked hard to reduce the request to $5,000 and felt that the convention would bring in 350 - 500 people. Consequently, It weultl be a great event for the City hotels, restaurants antl attractions. Staff atlvisetl that no new grants were being considered in 2010 antl the 2010 Budget would not reflect an allocation for them. Niagara Fella Horticultural Soc'en Elizabeth Grice, Niagara Falls HorticulWral Society, atlvisetl that the Society coultl accommotlate the grant retluction of $]2 off of the $]20 grant request for 2010. The Recreation Committee has recommendetl that the $]20 grant amount remain unchangetl. Niagara Falls Art Gallery Brian Smylski, Niagara Falls Art Gallery, atlvisetl that the Gallery is willing to accept the $3,000 reduction from the 2009 acWal grant of $30,000. He atlvisetl that the use of the Gallery's reserves will accommotlate the reduction. The Niagara Falls Art Gallery would march e, zoio -s- cno-zom-m like to continue discussions with staff regarding the Gallery's community service in relation to the continuation of the grant Mc Smylski has submittetl the attached written response to the l0%retludion. The Arts and CUlWre Committee has recommended that the original 201o grant request of $53,000 be approved. Niaoare Falla Concert Bantl Carol Cowlishaw, Niagara Falls Concert Band has advised that the Band will be able to accommodate the $400 reduction from the $4,000 request. This results in the annual grant ai [he 2009 level of $3,600. The Arts and Culture Commiflee has recommended that the original 2010 grant request of $4,000 be approved. Niagara Falis Lawn Bowling Club Donna Stadnyk, Niagara Falls Lawn Bowling Club (NFLBC), providetl background 'information regarding the NFLBC. It is currently renting one green from the Niagara Falls Badminton antl Tennis Club. The NFLBC caters to an aging population, but some high schools use the green for recreational programming for their stutlents. Costs continue to escalate, especially with the recent requirement to discontinue the use of pesticides antl herbicitles on the green. Along with annual rent, the NFLBC also pays for a greenskeeper and the related supplies. Membership costs were increasetl lastyear making it more costly for their fixed-income participants. The NFLBC is prepared to accept the $180 reduction from the $3,600 gran[ request, and is looking fonvartl to discussions with Stall regarding the Fee for Service. The Recreation Committee has recommentletl that the 2010 grant request of $3,600 be approved. Niag F II L'4 B tl Monika Seymour, Chief Librarian, advisetl that the Niagara Falis Library Board is very concernetl about the 5% reduction in the annual subsidy. The reduction is approximately $184,000 which would severely impact the Library's operating and capital budgets. The Provincial grant has not yet been announcetl antl there is a concern for a grant reduction. Some user rates have been increased, but expected revenues will not increase. The lease for [he Stamford Library Branch wbich will expire in Augus12010 was discussed. Renewing the lease would commit the Board for another five-year term. The lease rate is expected to increase by 15%. Should the Board not renew the lease and close the branch, [he 2010 September to December savings from lease payments, utilities and other costs will be offset by the removal and storage of all [he Stamfortl Library books, shelving, furniture and equipment. Mrs. Seymour has reviewed the 2010 Budgets and has suggested the following retluctions totalling $12Q W0 which require approval by the Niagara Falls Library Board. i) The$50,000 Transferto Capital woultl be eliminated. Thetransferwas being usetl to partially funtl three capital projects in 2010. These projects can proceed with the use of Library Reserve Funds. 2) The $10,000 Transfer [o Reserve would be aliminatetl. This is an annual transfer which replenishes the use of reserve funtls for special projects and programs. The Library has approximately $894,000 in reserve funtls. 3) The Library would reduce its operating hours antl save $60,000 in labour and benefit costs. The reduction will target the opening and closing times for the Libraries. Stamford and McBain Libraries woultl open one hour later in the morning (10 AM Insteatl of 9 AM)', Victoria Library woultl close one houraerlier (8 PM instaetl march e, zolo -s- cao-zolo-oa o! 9 PM), Monday through Thurstlay, dining the winter months which would be the same as the summer closing time. The change in hours woultl be effective April 1. Women's Place of South Niaoara Ruth Ann Brown, Women's Place of South Niagara (WPSN), atlvlsetl that they are willing to accept the 10% reduction, $2,150 from the $21,500 grant request. The WPSN will rely upon reserves to make up the difference which is not sustainable. This grant ie one of five Municipal grants. The others are as follows'. Wellentl $10,000, Port Colborne $3,000, Pelham $3,000, antl Wainfleet $504 Fort Erie also provides funding through its bingo gaming $40,000 and a dedicatetl reserve fund $22,000. There is no Regional support as the programming Is a Provincial service. The WPSN receives most of its funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MC55) which sets the service standartl antl funtls ]5°0 of the costs. The remaining 25 % must come from other contributions antl fund-raising. Like other charitable organizations, the WPSN is experiencing a decline in donations, tlespi[e the increasing demantl for the services. The W PSN has asked that future reductions In annual suppol be announced earlier. The lateness of this retluction impacts a budget which was set some time ago. An early announcement woultl assist in the planning of fuWre programming expentlitures. Project 5 H A R.E. Elaine Harvey, Project S.H A.R.E., atlvised that the Boartl would like to request that the pertnerehip with tha CIty be "Fee for Service" funding as per their January 25, 2010-letter. The Board is prepared to accept a 5% reduction of $15,]00 by drawing on Ita reserves, but le extremely concerned about the sustainabifity of certain progrema, If other contributions and donations are also reduced. The reserves are intendetl to supplement annual provisions when [here is a sudden tlemantl for emergency footl. A 10% reduction would be very tlifficult to manage given the increasing needs of the community. Ms. Harvey reminded Staff of the longtime padnership with the City [hat has leveragetl the City's funding into significant emergency assistance, health antl wellness programming, antl other community services. The Boartl respectfully requests that Project S.H A.R.E. be tlesignatetl as a Fee for Service (versus discretionary grant) antl is prepared to enter into an agreement with the City that provides emergency food services to the residents of Niagara Falls antl that leverages the City's funding into community support. St.JOhn Ambulance Kai T. Bucht St.JOhn Ambulance, has acceptetl the 5% reduction of $i 600 from the 2000 annual grant of $34,500 (less the City mandated $2,500 contribution to the Water Patrol Boat Reserve Fund), The retluction will continue to impair its ability to raise Lifeguard wages which have been frozen for three years. She advised that the recent lass of a major sponsor has significantly reduced their revenues from donations and funtlraising. The Fee for Service funtling will greatly assist SL John Ambulance s continued support from the City for [he Water Patrol Program. MarcM1 0. 2010 -]- Cp03010~W Niauara Falls Board of Museums The Niagara Falls Board of Museums has advisetl that they prefer not to be cut by 6% to fhe museum butlget. However, they can accommodate it by reductions in staff hours. Kathy Powell atlvised that the reductions would not impact the operating hours. Winter Festival of Liahis Joa Mizsk end Dino Fazio, Winter Festival of Lights (W FOL), antl Chris Rupp, Royal Bank of Ceneda (RBC), met with staff to discuss the W FOL 2010 Greni antl the guarantee of a credit facility. RBC Is satisfed with the progress that WFOL has made with managing its financial resouces. It was apparent from the tliscussion that the financial situation is precarious; W FOL needed financial suppod In [he Corm of a guarantor, namely the City of Niagara Falls, on a much larger cretlit facility. Further discussions ensuetl antl Staff will provitle a report to Council on March 22, 2010. WFGLS ability to manage financially is dependant on the City's annual grant. A 10% reduction ($34,200) at [his lime would frustrate the management of day-to-day operations and may jeopartlize the timeliness of monthly tlebt payments. A default o(debt payments may force WFOL into financial tlistress; neither the City nor WFOL wants a sutltlen loss of this tourism catalyst Maintaining the $342,000 grant at its 2009 level, woultl relieve further stress on W FOL's fnancial resources. Both Mr. Mizsk and Mr. Fazio have committed to continue a close relationship with the City on a monthly basis, providing regular financial reporting and an annual review of operations. RBC has also committetl tc assist the City antl WFOL in provitlinq financial atlvice and maintaining the existing cretlit facility for as long as possible. Niagara Falls Tour'sm Victor Farraulolo, Niagara Falls Tourism (NFT), uptlated staff on their improving Fnenclal pertormance. NFT's financial management has maintainetl its focus on recovering from a large deficit incurred several years before. This focus also enabled NFT to present a 2010 Butlget request that conformed with the City's 0% change from the 2009 amount of $360,000. He expressed concern for maintaining the status quo which has necessitated reducetl expenditures in crucial marketing initiatives. A further 5°/o retluction of $18,000 woultl severely impairtheir abilityto continue deficit reduction antl woultl stress other NFT's 2010 revenue sources. Mr. Ferrauiolo advised that NFT is an economic benefit to the City and provitles a yeao- round essential service that would otherwise be pertormed by the City's Business Development Division. NFT has been fiscally responsible but is still challengetl with eliminating its deficit position. A reduction in the annual grant is not realizable far 2010. Bovs antl G'rls Club of Niaeara Bill Walters and Joanne Turner, Boys and Girls Club of Niagara (BGCN), atlvised that BGCN has already assisted the City in atltlressing (fnancial hartlship. BGCN has reduced staff antl programs in operations. Last year's reduction in City Pontling has made it very difficult to meet the increase in use of their services. They advisetl that, as per Councils direction, BGCN submittetl a 2010 request without an increase. BGCN is not able Io accommodate a further 5 % reduction of $9,640 oft of the $192,000 Fee for Service. The Recreation Committee has recommentled thatthe 2010 requestof $192,800 be approvetl. MarcM1 5,2m0 ~8- LAO- 201a-00 Greater Niagara General Hosp ital FOUndaUOn Mika Somerville, GNGH Foundation, providetl comments about the 2010 Grant request. At the lest Counctil meetIDg, (hers was consltlemtlon being discussed to eltherdismiss the grant entirely or reinstate it The GNGH Fountlation has maintained that due to economic hardship the Council's prior year tlecision effectively tleferred the annual Grant The 2o10 Grant request is simply the reinstatement of the annual suppotl. Mr. Somerville stated that MunlrApal Leadership at the Council level is a significant catalyst for other community donations. However, should the Council once again cite economic hardship, then the GNGH Foundation woultl appreciate a tlecision on whether the annual grant would again be geferretl or that the City woultl no longer provitle financial support. Mc Somerville atlvised that the annual grant could be dedicated for the purchase of certain equipment. There is currently $8 4 million wodh of new equipment purchases that are needed at the GNGH. Council may wish to tletlicate its financial support towards the purchase of certain equipment. Stag advisetl [hat this report would not inclutle an amount for the GNGH Fountlation fore 2010 Grant. He understood SfaH's posidon entl stated that the GNGH Fountlation would of necessity continue butthatlhe Municipal Leatlership would be significantly missed in the community. Chi C CI b Garth Hutcheon, Chippewa Lions Club, provided a 201o Budget letter to staff on February 5, 2010, which details a total amount of $38,000. The request is $4,000 more than the 2009 amount. The increase Is needed to adtlress property repairs that have not been done and costly maintenance on a 20-year-old tractor That should really be replacetl. Staff has reviewetl the butlget entl has itlentified several costs which could be accommodated in [he 2010 Parke Budget, relieving the neetl for an Increased Fee for Service. The request can be reduced by $5,000 off of [he $38,000 total. Opt'm'st Club This fee for service is untler the direct management and control of City Staff. It is usetl for the direct expenses of maintaining the ball-diamonds locatetl at the Optimist Club. Stall recommantls e 5 % reducban of $1 500 off of the 2009 Fee for Bervlce. Ou stanQing_Groups The following groups have not yet respondetl [o Stall's requests for a telephone call or meeting to discuss the 2010 retluctions to Grants and Fees for Service. Niagara Ois[rict Art Association: The Arts and Culture Commidee has recommendetl that [he original 2010 grant request of $4,912 be approvetl. Niagara Falls Batlminton Tennis Club. The Recreation Committee has recommended that the original 2010 gran[ request be reduced by $1,000 Niagara Falls Summer Swim Lessons: The Recreation Committee has recommended that the original 2010 grant request of $13,500 be approved. Stamford Volunteer Fire Figh[en Association (Firemen's Park): Staff recommends a 5°o reduction of $y60 off of the 2009 Fee for Service. MarcM1 0, 2010 -9~ CA080t0-03 FINANCIALISTAFFINGILEGAL IMPLICATIONS Basetl On the work with each of the groups, Staff has preparetl Appentlix "A" which shows the amended reductions in [he 2010 Grants, Fees for Service and Subsidies. Where possible, Staff has maintained the recommendations fora 10°/o reduction on Discretionary Grants, a 5% reduction on Fees for Service and a 5% retluction on the Library antl Museums subsidies. However, some of the retluctions could not be achieved antl are detailed in the Appendix. The total revised retluction is $186,215. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS • Niagara Falls Ad Gallery submission • Appendix'A' Respectfully submittetl: _ I ""~ ~ ' r"`^ KeF Todd, Chie(Administrative Officer ~ _ ~l~l ~'Al~l~jA~T G~IL~I~Y. 8058 Oakwood DMe - Niagara Falls, Ontario -Canada, L2E bS6 9063561514 w.vw.niagarabllsorfgallory.oa to 31 Years of Community Service 1979-2010 March 1, 2010 Me Ken Emden Cnmoretu Services Depertmart 4310 Quccu SV., P.O. Rnx 1023 Niugma Fells, ON I2E 6X5 Re. Adjustmems w thc2010 Art Gnlluy Gmnt Kcquesr Dear MC dnrden: Aftenneedng wiN you lax week the Niagara Fxlls Art Gaumy adjusted im 2010 badger to ewommodale u 10% decrenae in its municipal grant TNe deomases over the past two years are not susmiveble ea the Arr Gallery has used its ronerve funds to corer Ne grant durrnsex The Niagum Pvlle An Gallet'y, and irs scn~iw divisiom Ne Niagere Children's Museum, and the Niagnm Youth Cellery, look Orweid to working w-h 0~e Gity oMiagaru Falls in the Ihwrc to again pmvidc arts pmymm sen~icrs to the 68,000 participants servr<1 in 2(l0R- Regnrd> / -~ ~ - ISrinr Smylski BxcautivelJirector vn rv ~ s n F~ cMm rv~sar~u: ~~ Fau~ rvs~aab tamm~rvry Fn,aaio~ ~ a ~o ~~ _ Sy 9 e ~ a - g m & ~ u E °~ 5 ~ ~~ - _ zea oo„ m ~ ~. saa n- ~ n p e 'a g€ ~ - a ~ _ ~ ; v _ _ _ m $ 9 ~ a m8 ~ 80 „$ ~ _ p 8 8 8 8 ~ 8 8 g o 8 8 8 ~ 8 ~ g $ = ~ " " ~ s ~ a S _ $ ~~ „ P ~ ~ e ~ ~ a ~" i r & C S g e ° 8 8 ° & m m ~ ^a n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 0 8 8 ~ 8 3 8 8 e _ 5 N ~ R` ~ ~ m d a ~ A ~ _ ~ e s ~ e m ~ q = E m e p q e ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ s ~ -~ m ~ g ~ ' d w - & : ~ s o W f ~ ~ e e ~ ~ ` a d " ~ a § ~' ~ p $ A s e ° ' ~ ~ g € _ a Q < = ~' ~ e v 6 y ~ ~ 8 a b " 4 ~ e ~ 8 3 6 r -g ~ ~~ ' ~1~ ~ ~ l ~I~~A A~A ~A~~S ~"~ ~ 4 ,Il W ~ ° W: ~, ~~ ~;Niag~ra children's Museum 'a a a 3 ~ a~ 7~l~, e ry ~a.,,w all ~~~ ;AGW ~o 4 2008 Annual Report 80580akwootl Orive, Niagara Falls ON L1E 655 niagarafallsartgallery.ca ~niagaradliltlrensmueaum.ca www.artgalleryoMaellantl.ca ~IIhA~I~R;;A ~ALIS ~~~'~~~IL~~RY~ 2008 Annual Report Lrhoduclion ... page 3 Community llevelopmeol Inifivtivc- Ywr 16 ... pago 3 Community Uemvud & 6ervivc Quallry ... pvge 9 live Yrnr Rusioma Pluu 2009 -2012 ... page'! Copectivns, Archivrs & Library ... pflge N Pb'bibitions ... page 9 Program ... pflgo 10 Prnjcc6... page l2 Facilities... page 14 Rourd of Diree[ors Ito~mld Pot¢-preslAen~ Ivan Hmbowslry- Viw Fmsltlao~ Burbun PUellev~5euewry,'!rw McIISn SM1Im-Twswer su IaLn ponNAo- Pva R~esidmt Mike Dlpmusa-~IeeCOr lilt llnmpson-Direuor llmir-Nm Munyl~-Dleeaar w;anaa u~~,-oo-anar ronl~sanm-ryirruar Coooie Vallanborg-IJtrccwr Oriuo Sinvlsk'rv Pxmiivc ITmmm Niagnrv Falls Art Cvllory 9wef Dr. Debra AOOObomagh-Nlagaev lhlls Art('wllny ~Imumr Bfmobo~n Gonso-Arrtlalluy LJOoe~or CM1rhtiiia Cola-Lkoaatlon Inlpn ea~ee ve<e:rmn-vase cwd~l-emawr aa~a Qmaao-m~u«-an omiel'r naaemor Lad sµa,nm -an caner maamr moy Gilbart ~ An Gallery EAUCamr gwdlmr TONiislci-YaNM1 Gallaiy Caromr Arf Fallery of Wcllaod Projcrl ryrvitl Gllbon ~ Atl ~¢Ilny of WNM1. nd projeu Maim9ar.L Nu~giw CM1iltlren's Maseom ~iromor Nivgara Cbildreo's Museum 6hd1' SM1.+oim ~alq-ChilAren's Masemo lo¢m Viaoda Me~onozll-CM1iltlreo's Musamn Inrom AsMey Aa goner-Children's Muremo lo¢rn Introduction fhc Niegvm Falls Arl Gallery grew subsianiinlly In 2008 by wnllnufng to be eBcetive aad effnfemmi~nr~amem and aerslee pmodoea. rho nn Gauaryv oaeetieeneaa mac a. me cxpeuainn of prngrzuvs in Niagara Follc and Nc gruundwod<waa laid for Nc ~'cntfnn ofa puhlte vn g;dlery in Welland. tiustained funding Gom Rie Cfiy oFNiegom FWIs provided the opportunity m rennn ces m the City, expand community omrcmh, faun new partnGships and pat Ne An 0.11 t ] }rt SV t 1 M 1 1..-. Asob lnru snPpcrmd by she s paht}. N F Ic n arse e i rvv9t nente ho n [he O m ao Tnllmm Foundation aad ~e Niagara Gtmmimily Fonndariov provided the An Gallep~ of Ndlvnd Piojeets~Ji a wound fmanaial tense io expand profeasional nor-farvprofi m~ts services in Welland. TM1e Niag:oa Yomh Gallery added the Niogare Regional Yowh exhibition ro tU ongoing pmgnms for 14 m 24 year olds, while KiB.v Arls Dey - Wcll-.md and Artfcae-Niagw'a Pally provided hoodsron fun far over 1,400 pnrficip nos. The Niagara P:Jls An GVlleryand Hrc Niagara Childre~i s Musewn - S[ Catharives inmoduced en inagmted arts certifwte proeJam far 6 -12 year olds - n first in Omm~'q wbila Ne Niagara Cbildron'e Museum - Niagare Palls expanded iin computer €ames ca~alogne. WiN examined manteipal snppotl and tagenA siramgic invenimenis, the Niagara Palls Art Gallery, iLS divieiutas and pr jceta will continue m expend services that mcerspeeific. oommunity nee<le. 6rian Sioylski Gxecutivc Director 1991-20p8 919 019! Community o,g, Development Ini6afive -Year 16 Working Towards A Strmig And Sustainable Arts Commnniry Year Ifi ofthc GOmmoniiy Dcvelopmcn~ ~warae aa.. me sn mdie~y and emmr~f a Museum's daily accumnlemd pnrticipvtion leaease @om 109,492 to 104,Ofr I >eNcipants. Nthough them m've a decxeasc in e9 there wvc a prtGcipntian inmvvse ue generating servieee from 56240 anticipants in 20P9 m 59,143 in 2006. Developed iv 1992, the Comonwity vaa,c 1991-20080vorvll Paetldpnllon (aoityar<amnlarca) Gallery cervices in Jliagem Falls own be meeenred "1'hc 1992 benchmeda arc: l) (nmeaa'e Vmninjratinrr infhe arts irz NaKa fa f'a]@.'Rie AR GaIIcp~ incaneeA pvrticipmiun in arts ectivitio.v fmm 1992'a 3,199 m2008's 104,081 pvnlvlpan[s. Of owae momnmr=I Ute 2008 pwtieipeues over 6R"000 wac IJiagara Fulls perticipvnm_ o 2) Provide arc services rhm currenr[y ~o, i i' don t r ~' R 1 (( O 'tl P ,t ~ 'y 16} ftl C ryp li t ~ Litl ibl'~9g II ~ a ' ~~~ ~ ctlabl I d del N' 8 (hll ~ f ~ ~ I ~ i Muv nd the tviagm 1 TGallcry zco ~ ( ( 4 i ) 3 1 ~ ~ teae~a. kenecrag a,mmt~nny neeax d,ua ~ ~ o ~ 1 f s a e t'a and eommnnlty saucdcs a~em ~ e r 9 .o ,, ,z a > devclopmenl_IU 2008, the Niagara Fulls Art nnomn Gallery cominned to be the only proleaelonal nut-For-profu arts - crgan aadun OpgHYfng Om Ol Niphtll'8 2UON MnntM1lyOrcmll Pa Nciplifioo (JflJy'vcoamulnh~l) P'¢i15 Jmmflry (1) w Deeanbn f11) 3)Geme rtsense ofcor tmiry th>atngh the ons. The Niagara Y'alle Art Grvllevy's pCimery fieu is determined by cmmmnity needs, not its wlleotiuna or m scrvioe the atlist as is the focus of tmdiGonnl art galirrics vad museums. Ae one of the msjor community asta service hubs in tRe Ningata 12cgirn, the Art Gnllwy nmv funetioro as v crmmunley arts fowl poim. The focus rfthu service hub vrc tvrgeted demographics. FII age groups vrc now saved Through a vasicty ofpmgrvmx- Each scrvioc dfvisirq the Niagmv Pullx Are Oallay, rho an Gallery rf W clland, the Nivguv Childrae's Museum, ehe Nivgam Cbildeen's Att Gallcry, the Iiagera Youth Gallep~ i tha Niagara Cmn~mmity Gallcry ere focused ou a spwific dentoyrvpblc or gnmp in aced of savioer_ 9y creatiu6 ss+tea peovidus iu shiv nsamxq the An Gallery ix able ro ensure there it Iva [all vervice orgenvvtion Ilwt is meeting the needs of iu wmmuniry. 'Che 2UUq Strvfcgiu Plvo As Ne 1992 goals evelvcd, new Region-wide rbjmtives were devNopm end presented iu the Niagara Palls Art Gal lery's loon Stnmg~c Plan Ontlinc. Aa me only psrkssirnal nob fnrprof e wb rrganiantion hcad9uatta~cl in Niagara Falls, and one ofthe few wmivun-y- bvsed arts or~nizatirns that providee.vervices thrrughom the Niagma 2egioq an rpponimiry presented itsclCto aavice othercommuuilics_ The 2004 Uevclopmwn Initiatives reused to reflect the paicndai for develrpmem in Niagvni Falls and the Niegam Rayon cod coutimted to guide the Art Gallery'aadivinesthroughout4o08- 1) Deve(o-~nd oyerare an arts cenve toJurther iM1e ranse oJan um commvnlry thrmeg@ eke provision of-r j slonol (nih/ic an gaPeryservire.c in 200$thc Niagara Fella An Gallery was i~Sonnul that the City ofNiny~em Fells will not be reedy m bcgiu iha process of meeting t arts centre for ~iagera Palls unti12015. Research wntinuN on We pan of the Art Gallery m ensure ihatthe finum sets ccnne will meal commouity needs end he financially sistainnble In the mwn lima arm services wnnnue m be developed learling ohe Art Cellery to Imk elsewhere to house developing services. Poo3ress in the Ciry of Welland tmwrds evting a vlsunl arts oen¢~o has movM quieMy_ Work began In 2Udd m finallre a te~npomuy pmgrnn space and 4o move into a pevmnnn Pmility within three years. News-aae neeile in 5t. Catharines wmv vppamm in 2t10R. Program expansion was cunnilvl duemcurzem space limiwGona. New faellifiev will be required witltin tl~e nextfew . sa mincer community prnyram nceds. z) Improve the quality oflj in Uie Reyiort'a'commmdtlar tlvaugb: ~ dddbia¢v ru thedrr Ga[!ery's pennnnem ra-er~lonraad ardn'ves afmdturaQy eignfcam worh,'of m[ondn~portng documentarian The Art G:dlery continued to acquire u nunrher nl new rwrks of art For in John t3umdal< Niagara Collection as well es arehlvo mamdals for its aru education library.'1'he Kurclek Collection also expanded an new mammals wcrc addal to the wahines. Develo-Ingyourh mad aAuG arer es m the extenr ofchl[Aren's m As children, who have mken Art GelluY-vogrvmv, have aged he I6 years of the Community _ [7 t~ ~ hat b Id It m t _ ~-, d Ip'ngV d. AR rl2y=tsrl ® J d 1 p lent tl N g- VnuO Gallery ~yi I al II 6 f t' e For y Ih 13 m24y fg.InMy 200$ the annual regional youd~ visual art W S exhihiSjnined ~e user art services. The vc )'oath Gnlleq~ naw has is own auremq rvinunni omen canary cer~~mr. ra~v rerc..me O~nm) 'ockshops, mrt classes, and exhibitions. one a..anaa rornm.n.Orn)m w~ewv ma narer~o~~mr~a The Niagate Com airy G~llerymnved i the xaaa n4iyiira aenio~~a voum Canary ¢aitnluoo. a step dower la prov ding prograrci vnd exhibition services fat NiaOera's leisure arnsU as de linnncial Inundation vnd the furtR er development of n new Wdland space ou.u rn:d in 2dOR_ 3) .4tnlnmvr and develop susminnble rota services to thefallowing geographic areavr nJ The Pamlty Home -A new mrtimy service was eddad to die two existing virtual acs. The additional si¢wumv.nngellcryofwdlendjnined wwwnlagwafel Lrartgxllery. and uwnv.viegerechildrcmm~usoumrv. The draae sfles provide pee-serviceandaEter- sai t me inPormntinn end netivltiea vnd, in2008, served h4.946 unique visimra. D) The Neiyhbourkood-Th ncighhontbood pr'ogl'vns nor wmpn'sW of points of service located in wmmnnity centres, schools, dsycmes, em 'These serviwsare ouo-cndr pmgrsvw and nor in snwnber nCmunicipalitics. Atreveling art program to he mn out of nelghboarhood pecks wss diswssed in 2008 rvirh dm Clty ofNisgsrs Pelis for implarvenlxtion in 2009. Thin new ini[iaM1Vc is depen~l-ant upon evrtuu pmgran changes . nndbudgaconsidasGOns- Ar[ Gallery Pmitleal Rona1J Pons (rIgLG unJ Vlae Presidem Ivvn llrabmvshy (IOIp In pith Kltl'i Ar6 Day Pntival HaaJllimr RvumrMOi i'ison (mitltllcj c) TJre Clay-Citywide services arc ds Niagara 1>ells and Welland Art Gallclies' and Nlsga[0 Childn:n Mnaeum's prinmry s. Gxhibitiona qnd programs serve both residents Jud muois[s who visit Mc Niagara fslLs Alt GJllery and the Nisgam Childlvfs Musewn. The site also servos as ecnvc forpmgam expecimeitistion and m valion. no The Nisgare Childru4e Museum- St. Catharines prOVidas prognlm services m Niagara Nar~h avidcnts, while the Arl GJllwy of Weiland pmyr'sms for Ningem Sou0r residents. wlm naria.maJ..~u suaroa i,ms vntl Rram' ty Zhe Reglal-Regional serviws are in all mnnieipelitics From Waintleer to Smirhville and @imsby to fort Enc. They are provided though the outreach sad iro house programs of the Nisgem FWIs Art Gallery, NisgarJ Chilean's Museum, Niggsra Youth Oe0uy and the An OJllery oFWellsnd. Wdland's Kid's Aru Day Pertivsl and Iha Yowh GJllery's Regional P.xhibition rvre two examples of the msnp regions) scrviars offered by the Atr Gallery. e) The Province -Neighbourhood savioes am provided in Ourliugmn, 9mney Creek, Mississauga end Oakville An tesidwtls ofWrsc municipalities dfecover the programs that Ningum Fullx has joyul toe the peso lfiyevrv, demxnd for these scrviws in their t pities is inemasing. In 2008, dle number of paolioipanis have iucrcased by I50% enl tlmsc inarasas Jrc pmjeo~ee to wmimie Duce the next fve yee~ 4)Improve rendersjor the tovrlsr meir/ret. The Art Gallmy's wllcedoas drmws munsts, bctwearl March artd Ocmbn', inimesmd in both ~hc Nisgara and the W illiam KurdeJr GNeetions. The Childieii s Museum wmlimlvs to dcsw nn iuwensing vumber of viaiting families as hoieln ruemmene the service as a Pon sad affordable dosunedon. ~ Uevelnp a svnalning operarMg fiord rmd f vr4nlsircgjor nl1 nctlvlrier_'ILe Niagara Fells Art GJllary sad the Niagara ChildroPS Museum wntinned to raise ovev 5300,000 annual ly floor the communityin donations and fees to cover its operating coals. Av edditionvl 990,000 was received, in 2011N, In operating grants and sVamgie invcsimen~_ Community Demand & Service Quality Community participation in the Act Gallery's revenue pmdueing eerviecs in¢eaaed ip 200N Gom 200TS SQ2hO m 59,143. The inerevso same liom Icisum pmgranis such as children's att closeex canpa and nduh art wodahops. Waning lists wotimied in 200R adwnavd l'or proPespionilly deliverrd onpmgrams Srcw in the Hiogara Falls, Welland end SL Cathefines aaa metranrrnnnd~ng areas. ~.~ i'he gnallry of service continued to be high vs ~~~pro6t P ~ ]' t t It Ik prt~ . uddt Ip g-na afl h - C lmvvd f nm y~i ~ AetG 11 yp-grams. Tl ~ d. non of Cfcnte ~~ preS~"dnrs for 5- 12 year olds provided the opportunity for children in Niogvra Falls avd St. Caihannes ~o cembive leiwce aalvlfics wM ~>, ~ cducaiional progress. The Viagara Ynuih Gahuy 6rvu}jt[ pcofrssrunngy diacmd ecoviai~, firm ~~~.,., hands,on an prv~msm imm~ishipa,foryoothl3- ^- 24."fhevppoiniment ofyauth cvremrs from she na rmrn~mciiwbeth crush m~mrnn Nivgaa Falls Art Gallery's internship program to Wnu Nnns elvsdirtiog MetcL Brc~tlc .Ce the [epiona visYL alt IXhihil eRLleda pmB~n lead by YouJ~ for youth within u pmfrssional public art gallery wutexr In 200N, the quality of service in ~Fe adult programs included an cmphasfe on the safe use of xroist materiels. As mole artists, both lcisum vndpmf atonal, join the xrt oommuniry fn Fiagwe Palls and hegtn m teach and wws, she toxicity of artist materials has been idemified mvior wncein_ Liability issocs have eo~nemure fomfrom ofar~eduextion and the An Gallery vnd iU divuione are playing v leading min in eneudny that audev~s in ilspmgrams are Inupht in a safe manner. Five Year Business Plan 2007-2012 rerrnn,.aee m zoos The Niagnca Fedls Ark Gallery's Ftve Year Onaivess Plaits projaetion for 2008, Hre wad yevr nl Ihe200]-20012 ~usinrss Plan n eaparticipenon rate of 105,000 HIgLSd~oolslu0enmeino4heWllmniKnaieXex- pnrtieipankandrevenuesof$350,000_ nibllion Nemec ruea~nmq nom WeworxvotnN. Overall par6ciPation.vas 104,081 or 91914s perticipame than was projected. licvenuee .vere 8394,4]6 for200R mthr, than the protected 5350,000. The invease in revenues was due b the Art GNJery receiving svswined mippnn fiovr the City oFAOvyara FvILS and From the Ontedo Trillium foundation. 1 he iner'ease in support In Tlagxra Palls wav dre resWr oflhe implemwnnlien ofthc 8vatc€ic Plan for tha Prevision al Pvtks Rcomation end Cultom, while strategic -asmtenrs firm dm Ontario ,~ Trillium Pormdadon were wryend W crrvica j~poblicanyx0ep~Cur Welland xndity sutra ending nrvw. y, OrnmsfiR008 werep jetted mbe$50,500 '_ °' -while We vamaRvas $85,250-534,]50 more thav projecmd. 'this iucmnsc in grants wes dne i to an opcrativg gram @om the City of Niagat'a FeILS of SSG,OOQ e nv'alegia invesMant From t 4 [I O I' 'I"II' P d t fb24,000 I tl FI ~ 2 - ~ d De.elopmam ®~ - (.end g~ t f552<0 ih N g SCI Id A9 ~e,nn had x$2000 - tes fmm the pr jeered mVCitt CsivP pnnielpnnbimm~u pun magnmu aav anivlty 595,OOOro S]Z431 due to nwv programs inningthe20UAenmmn nnip P~'ogn ~. eared by strategm moevtmennv fmm e2o0] Riagara CommuNty Poundxdon grnm. Ad class and worlahap mcame also exceWed projcedotu. The 2008 ut dese and wod<shop income was prjwted to be 541,000 while the actual inoomc wes 591,125 an incrcsse nl' S3g12S W th Ne 200n actual increase in revenues also comes vn inereaee in disbursements. Y'he pmjeeted disbmsemem was $34$000 while the actual disbursement was 5388.096, vu rest of $40,096. The insmllntion of fvc nlnrms was 820,000 ratherthvn Rm 56,000 Ibmcut. Selnries/Itenefila/Inswemrs end workshop costs was pr jaded to be 5225,000 Hu[ eased by 55,643 m 5298643 due rn lbe cosw of ds expasiou iu number of sarviws offered w Ihepnblic. Ahlutngh Ote Business Plan evimnted a 5';011(1 surplus in JA08, the eu al surpl+ns was 55,]80. Collections, Archives & Library 'ihe Art Gvllery's eommonity resource library wndnucd to Hrow az additional books and periodicals were rewired. Alorge part ofthc libraryuin slornge unN additional space ran be foondmnllow nwess to the marerinls. Even diN limimd neecss, students and Art Gtdlery suliheec been miliring dre books end periodical>. In 200R, wodc on mxuing end @nming of both the WJlixm I<urelel< end Niagara Art Collecdpna began in earves~ Specified donations and bingo revenues verse used to cover the costs. Art Gallery Exhibitions ~,~~?~ Niagara Falls Art (>allery me ov=„ smtage ~m1e,Y vela ~ exnmin Oyer 2008. The gallery is called Open Smrage since the ~ Imser Impel nomge area ie the only appropriate exhibinon space in [be Niagara FaOs Art Gnllery'x Oakwood Drive facility. 'Lhrec ofthe fanr exhibits were seleeGons from the William Kurclck Collection es well es pmviously ,b nn8een wnd<e from ttic IDhn BUnniak Niagain ~-, Collection. Shn fourth wvs Nao re Regional Youth Gwhibition held in Mey. It brought together the best "~~-<r J high school erlism, esjodged by Nc high school vn _ c ~ teachers, in the ragion. h ri` Arl Gallery of Welland The Art Gallen of Welland is slstedm basin smnente mevmx pasml arsvaig avrmy s~ m~.e holding exhibideus vu;thin the3 yeartime 4emc of rovwas axo inrnnm Sono rmu. ~hc Ontario'Itillium I~omrdation Orant Ihm bcgwi in 200ft_ The goal is w house the Riagara Community Gallery, which was origlnsJly ceuwived as pun of e new arm wutre in lv'iegara Folla, In ibo pennvnent Arl C Very of Welland location Niagara Children ~ Museatn The Niagara Childrrn'e MusevnPe porGcipadon had v emNl dwanee Cmm 15,695 peniciparts in 2009 io 19,400 panicipxnts in 2008. With the smell decrcesc in perddpetinn Nere wee elan a small dcarresc in revenue fmm ,999,510 in 2009 to 8"/1,431 in 2008. The dcereuse was aenled by n drop in visitation io the Mnsenm by schools and wmmunity groups. Med<Givg changes end Ne imrcasc in the cast ofbus trauepnnetion due to an mcrense in fuel wam were the movons why Ihere was v deereane. Exhtbftlon5 1'he Children's Ylosenm added w iu; exhibi~ions wi~b a new ancient civilizetien building station. Aram aetivity,the station provides participnnls with the opportunity to build none n medievvl house that drildrcn can cvm~ end exit. '1'ho eleco-icity program look aaolher step forward wi1M1 compmer gvmev designed and createl by Andrew Green rand Kellie-Anne McCarmaak. The main fuan ul Chldreii s Yluaeum exh3illons in 2f108 was Nc ovgoing ~naintcnarw and improvement of curreiu exM1ibiav_ The yearaonnd heals-on use ofthc exhibits requima ongoivg muimenaooY to repuL; replace and in~pmvu the mamtiaL. Programs Niagara Falls Art Gallery Tha Atl Cellnry'a r'evenne prmWcing progrtun Fuenpnlion increased li'om Sfi,240 in 20(YI to 59, 143 'm 2008. The inereare of ova, 2,903 pmncipams was dire to the suawin W funding Gom Ibe Ciry of Niayma fells that Irnd m the implmnemalion of new pmwma and parlne[ahips in lM1al citY_ Adult.4 Children's Art Ch~anea, W orluhops ~ Camps Adult and children s leisure arl dnases, worlahops and ramps participluion rased in 2009 to 4,060 panieipums from 3,890 in 2009. Revenues also aced from $82,440 in 200] m 2008'a $90,460. An Art (lnllery oolcame~Aat v aohieved was to so~pass the 3,896 oanioinanu of 2noa and maimah, me ~--~~~ 'dMiM1l havgG,dl Ykf Gts oewllON, Gom rvingare FUlt. nn eaurry volonrowslol~.mlauLLro falls neu pmgmmming umatlves, provided the &Cnpnm eonimu¢r mrn~ben tlndng n.urn zoos. impeliu forthe inerensed pvtlicipation and revenues in urn claeees, wotl<shops and ramps. Of planter imponanoe ie Rie M Cellrry'x oduwtion team who have reonmped programs or oreercd new ones that hove Iwd to InereasrA parlioipafion. 'fhe inmoduaion of wrtifiexte program avd the wrmaction between school anlivirics and Iciaw'e programs have also added to the ivcrensed numbm of partioipams. NJghhnvrhood Ontrcaclr Programs AOer 3 ycrus of decreaaev in the MI Gallery's oat rcich programs, tlrc 20fY1/08 program ear Ivd mr inameee of 1,006 partinpenls for a toml of 39,913. New inilatlvts and y paanerships, nmdc passible through rNe mrmeincd fmanoial sopporr o[ Jae City of Niagara Fella, was the carelyst for the increase. The an Gvllcry's oumeach program provides vas acv m ueighborvheod children and oommunily getups whq whether for financial or ~<rvi IogfaGr~l masons, are unzbla ro mvvel m the An Oallary's main pervice site. A new lnltietive that.ws sealed donng Jre 2009/08 program yev was the welfca pnnncrshiv bemeen we N~nsarn Fans ana&adntre en~ntnhme and rno nn cmmry. rna partneahip leM to Me most smwssful evevt in ArtfisPs history. With ovev 200 penicipevt3 iv 2008. ofwhieh I6] were chihbeq Artkst is.vell posinoved m grmv in the futmo Although Anfes~isa non-re.~enue prudncing y-~~ - ~,~, 'em,the Art Gallery's omerowreach services n and vrodnae dnnarrona of Ql as,x]a m zoo]roa compered m $161,928 in 2006/0]. Niagara Cl~iidrfln's riuseum - WolkBdop Pm~pams ~ 'I he Niagnrn Children's Murenm's leisure ymgmma inerenead iry penicipatinv levels in 2008 l with G,263 par~icipnnts sewed compared m 4,989 iu 2007. Ldsum progtnm rovancs wmrA by ~hc Chlldres's Mnscnm's three service hubs ware j Niagara Fulls $H,99o, Welland $10,545, and A CalhatlnCV $24,533 enlltlan wlm Dart in ILe Ningnrn CLIItlrciYs The continued success oftlm Childrcn',v ++~~~m's nano.-nn evntbn nl nrttg~aooe. Musunn's leisure programs in Sc Catharines vnd Wellwd is due to the vmounr of space devoted m an studios In Wellavd these rvte two sites, the Welland Ilistoricxl Museum rod the Welland Library, while the St CeNmivas site has [hrea studios elevated to leisure programs. Due ro Ne Inek of spmc ar nc~ Niegare tells site the Children's blusearct is limited m ono swdiq it ie uvable to achieve the mtes of bnowlh of weunvd m,d sc. cam:nmea. ' 4 In tlrc fall of2f108, the Niagara Children's i ~- M. Cl W II¢dl gun to t :'t2t toA tell Y fW Ihmd ~. ~ ~ ~ programs. A 9 Year grant from the Onteoio Trillium lbuvdetion will assist in the haneiunn. Ncgodations alvo hcgan in the fell wilt tRV City of Welland to move the programs Rom the Welland Fliabdwl Museum and the Welland ~ Centnrl Librnp- m a new temporary sire where ' p ~ ins uav be expavded. ~~l ~h .± C019mV9PTy 1'[09~2Y9S 9midlo eeummarxer esivp puHdpnw mks inn Tho Niagara Children's hrn9vn0-Niegare mnvlu YnrlnH NClnnaL bank Fvl.v hadvetvell d¢elinein community pogrom panieipabon in 2008. In Ibe 2006/0] pmk ,uv ear there were SS02 participnnm wmpmed to Y "1,13]panidpams in dm 2007/06 program year. The difference of 1,365 panivipente wus due ro marlcetivg changes and the ivercese in the cost ofbus o-ansportmion. With e dem'ense In conuvmnily usage, revcunes elro dacmaeW from 592562 in 2009 m sza,269 m 2oox. acts Youth Gallery The Niagere YOUde Ggllery provides virmel end reel eshibidoo ~~~„ opyortonitics for youth 12 to 24 yam's of eke. The Gallery also Yf 'ssists t d I binlni ~g inu ~i ~' public n g II y d children's ~' cnvhonn tcnm, their u o vol m a~ nod w-op hours es.vell an NluemFlb Ari (y1lny Pa'esitlenr Ranxltl POtlf 'deg menlndng ye es to arearrtl~tnu rtrxr ort.e nwarn mr nie fucllitare (he achieve neat of their 2008 Ymi1M1 Cutlery hXM1lbitlonroTen Millar. nnd:u'y evd post-sewudnry gams. L The gethcring, in 2004, of dre Niagara fulls Atl Call7y's ynuJ~ services under the umbmlla of We Niegem Ymlh Gallery reeled u vbrent prngrem tbaL brought together u range of swvices that began in 1992. Ideml dtty Eh th ArtG 11 ~ 6 g '.y fSg'A: S ty I1 tl I fY tlh t e ,. ,im ~..{ .. ~~ ~ bcgu t b tth el tl Ip t tot ~ r~ 12 , ~~~ rmt p bf f ~th Y th C Mess a d _k 999J theny gxpvtrsionof cex_ ® .,.~ All mrw of the large munldpeli6es N the Nixglva Region hnvc been idenfiGed as needing high-quality professional visonl atls scrviacs with a spwielizcd focus ou youth. 'the dvee nliea hove mrgoing pmgmms tiro by volumeer organirntiom, but lack the wmmunity development that can be brought to youth through the orgevizcd cffotts ofe public an e galleryprogmm. s ~' ~~ 91; .. To meet lhi9 wminimily devel(pment nGed,A Nlegero P'u1R ntl Gnllery ~Uextai llebim Atimibaraugh Rcgionavide high school exhibition mis hosted <tons nom r~mrot x~~ovw rate (mieam)mlk wlni blgh by Hte Niegem Ynuth Cellmy iu 2006. sn~m xrurnm.rarolbunnr(rignpmningnmopni- Organired by yomh fur yowF, Peigel'ercxsold t~gmwn may2abN Nbgnni YOmli Gallery @ablbirion. 'as the appointed YuutM1 Gallery Cumtor Por 200'1/O&und Eweli~Torbinski wax appointed fo r2008/09. Niagara Childreds Art Gallery Programs lre Niagvm Children'. Art Gallery provides vitmal exhibitions and workshops to children fiom ~mughnm the Nivgam Regina As v pmjece of the Ningarv Children's Museum. Nc Childre.:fs An C,allery is de.vgned to nur¢nc end assistparents.Nlh their child's artistic develnpmen~ The Children's Museum facilities in SC Catharines have bemme the prunary sire for Ibis . ce. The facilities we made up ofsmdins for art olesses and amps. The success ofdtc progrwra in St. Catharines, and the need far en axhibiGOn space, hrvve provided dta opparNUity to look for additional spaw or v new loretioa Niagara Community ~_ Gallery frog +r. r The N S C 't G II ry p ~ I a ~~ { a d aen'st IF:1'. it Tl sp jet p3`, t peslP >d p rytgdfm ~ "jj ~~~ tv ~ w^'~~~~~ F r; deutf d dl 6 d 1 pad. 'fhc dcvcl p t fth A iGll f Rolland, cud the promise ofv pcnnaneta pt;*`~- "'^ facility po'das the opp t tity fur {~„ lersm tet~fmm Niag~~Region to ~~`; ve directed and ongoing public art gallery xatviccs_ ~ ~~~ Art Galle of Welland ^rr ra:~rmna.nris<en~ael lraeingapbam workn:op m::t n:m F'J' nee p::rnrlpa:m rrniriag, ••.rrge u,nmr°. YmCrnme In 20ok the Niegare Yalls An Gallery was invited inw the City of Wellnnd to assist with the creation nl'v public an gall'ry ro serve Wepend :mJ its su¢oonding arws. na panoPthe project, the Att Gallery of Welland Project tuokover the ]4d's Nis Uay Poedval n the er of nom and cad say varncipanta. m zoos. me mti, anttinmeaty ePme revbval, me Art Callcry of Welland inGeesed the hestivePs penicipafion m I,1?3. The even['s sauces was due m a svang committee composed of 63 volunteers. P.npanded mndcetiug, wiM Ilram Moaisoq from Slmroq Lois & Rm:n, as the evenCS main stage headliner, and an inemescd umber of handsron awviges mn by Art Galley Swff provided a larger venue far children to ewese the antivities. Expanded marketing brought iu ev in«rnsrA number of children fi~om around the Niagara Region and support from the Ovunrio Trillium Foundation, City of comimeea Amor,euweaeam Raanmlen RaaaGlen tole general PUWOSa560a9e1-emma zoe9 Awrovaa Ameiml tom Reaves Reeemmeaaauona oeaa4m9 Yeager Febmery u. 2clc Merare, zclo Ana & Cullum cemmnle¢ 16 ee p~ u waeere Fall: conwrl eana 3see 9.e6e 4,000 4,000 400 aloe 4ee 3 eee magara rang An cauery 3o DCO s30oo 53000 30000 ,3000 n.68e a.ooo zzeee Niggem 8rgdq An naaodauca 9,912 a91z 4,912 4, 912 491 8421 491 4p21 R~ commnl_ wagzra Fells Remwlwal sodery 12D ]w ]20 ]zo 12 saa ]2 e4e 6Tammm acne Bsoo e,aoo fi,ooo a,eoD ego z9zc 2000 sccc vma9a or cniwawe cll:orce commmae gee 1,000 Sae 1,000 toe soo 1DO 900 ereeler Magata eeneralHwpilel PoUntlallcn 1cc,OW P meG Snare 314,100 314,100 31A100 31,410 202,6eD 1fi]OD 298,9DD Woman'e Vlecc In 6cuN Niagara 21,500 21 E00 215DD 2,150 19,360 2,160 19,¢60 YWCA NIegom Reglcn fifi]6a 5],000 6],000 5,66] 51,993 5,66] 51333 Winler FeslWal cl G9nls 342 oD0 392.0[[ 3Q OC0 39,200 3[/,000 ~ 342000 A83(Reg.NlegerelWing-RCAF ASSaGeSOn 30 ccc E ]6J 295 $ 93],032 E 6&SJ3 5 ]09032 E ]8,3]c 5 ]05,662 S 30300 E ]9,653 20100enerel PwOasas Bntlget- CommlOCa Amounl lnclutletl In RetluGlon Reauclion Feee for Service 2009A PPmvoa Pmounl 201e Reguesl Recemmentlallons 8ec14/D98utlg& FebmoryR2.2o1e Mamn 0, 2010 R~qn C~nmmJL; ~ Amy nl ExPVCYory ~ u Hays&01JS CIUE 193,0[[ 192000 19280[ 193,3[0 9,fi40 48¢,18[ 192 90 W agaa Falls BatlmNlcn Tennis Club 4,DCC 5000 4,000 3,DD0 250 4.]5c 1ccD 4000 NlagaraPolls Wwn bawling Club 36DD 3,000 3fic0 ]600 18c 3420 180 34]0 NIO9ereFalls 9urnmer'9wim Lasson 13,600 13500 13500 13,600 fi]fi 1282fi 695 12820 MImeI C0cMI6ervlces NFNS) 452542 ¢52642 452542 22,62] dP0, 016 962542 Nlagem CnomM-Vnn SCrvlccs 912920 412,428 912428 20,621 991,8[] 14,OOD YB0,930 Ifagere 8151nol Alryorl COmmusicn 00.291 89,291 00,291 - 09,191 09291 5lambitl VFF ASeodallcn (Fgemen's Perk)' 1$,200 20,000 4,800 ]W A,D90 (9,6401 19,44[ C nlppawe Liona Verk 94,000 3q,D00 94,000 1jDD 32300 1,000 33,cc0 omimlel aaJ: 3c,DDC 30,DOO agccD 1,5DD zasoo 1,6W 3fi5Do N~g9am Fau: TOwem ase,ooc 36goDO 3so.DOa 1s,eoo a4z,DDD - 3sD,9oo wages Faua ummma~ee eoara 36060 3fi,o5o Y6.osc - 3fi,D6o 3e,o5o 81. JOnn Ambulance Warer P9JOI Prcg[em 94,5D0 94404 39,N0 1126 32 J]6 1hb0 92900 E 16]]911 3 1693695 E 21 ],9cc S 1fifi8511 E ]],6]0 5 1590,93 5 10.315 $ 1fi50186 Ert cc c c Gom ilea Ameuntlnelutletl In RetluGron Reautllon ~1 O GOnereI PUNCSee OUtlgel-6ubslJles 19e9Apprwatl Amounl 201e Reguesl ' Recommentlelions Dec14/098uagel Febvery 22, 101V Memn 0, 2010 Ra ev~i Alm uno ee lew8~inrn 9 N];gare Fells Llbrery OCeN ¢,691,300 3,fi913e6 3.091,306 1a4,584 3,606141 120,000 3b]1,3c6 Niagare Frills BOarJ Ol Museums 4]6,899 495,999 9]5,999 2GfiZ0 4504]9 _25x520 _ 4504>9 S 4162305 E 9.ifi],3c5 f 5 4.16].305 $ 410005 $ 3,65].220 § 195,520 $ 9.021]051 Total 5 6628511 $ 6]96.0321 $ 263,432 $ 6,619,848 $ J66.1J3 S 6.253)15 $ 186,215 ~ $ 6,433,633 Welland, wmmmily groups, and local Invnesses ensurer a sucuessfvl event. The process was ivilloled fn 2008 ofbnnging together programs mo by the Ni-yam Children's Museum mtd the Art Glley of Wellnnd under the mnhreh- of the An Gallery of Wellnnd 'Che Ontario'I i~illfwn Foundation Ims provided 3 ycarx of strategic inveeenents m . sill to the development nfa publi--rtg-Ilery. Aprojcot menagenras appoinu~d NAUgnst In oversee prop~'nm dwelopmrnt and the wneition o[ pmgmms from the Children's Museum to tlm N[Cellery_ DIsIV ]SIonS, .with the City uC Wellaud, began N 2008 m mwe art dosses wd ry~rrys into e trmparnry covnel Inc-Ifun Gom the Welland Ilistarinel Museum and the Welland Central Library. AI thesvme Gme, amlysis of poiemirvl paxnauen( locations has peen ongoing. Facilities ThelJixgara F-Ils An Gallery's end Niagnm Childrcn's Museuru's Oaloaood Ddve frcility continnndm need repair and upgrvdes. The installation owf ~fire alarms end emwgmoy I ehti g pl t d t U d l np-1. h ~~ aTwi pl~gfil t Ildd gddb li gt~t~Rc lh 7i anlx~.. ,.w"^' 'I'hcN 11 dI3'i'~IM I I'ty,.l h thoN g aCh ldrw sbl 1 ed si c ving to the Musemn's nmv localioq has proven m be mo smell m meal mmmnnity ' 1 demand. As well, the facilities in We Melland ~~t Library's general nse room, where the An 0allcry of Wetland's proeJams am held, amnoo ~~ I 'PP P~t f th AtC~ll 3 R' _ !J .I ci.l IP e' s. A [ [ rim t hd'.tng, ~YVit P II dmd f P'I nvd ~~`~~,. ,lu~+ R rat R Iewazel f 1 fdte Welland nreva began in 2008. W.gnrn cuuaim~. ma~.enm nlreemruavie cubed 'r~tE NHgara ChlldlCn'6 ]V109GIIn-$L Catl0r1116 a1 K10's Ash DVydlseussivg Paclity io [heKmx Christian Edurytion Cemre main serge aolmib.,.un morgelnn ~.amw. downtown SL Catltarines has become owded as demand for vnpmgrams conu'uuea to grow. 'fhc oddltron orthc Niag-re Cluldreu'n Arl Gallery progams ro thclCnnx space has made the need to f nd larger gnermra avity. aAllhongh thelJiagam PeOs Art Gallery is the largrst puhlic art gallery and nor for profit In the region it wminues la be hampered fn its delivery ofsaa]ces doe to inadaqueie facilities. The Arl Qallery is actlvely working inwards providing the hest Igeilines to hanse its ivnnv-tivo and paperer pt'ogtsms. With apossible date to begin iisnuesions for e now facility moved to 20ti, the art G-Ilery wntinuw m spin off its new end innnvetive pro)ecte to other mnnioipnlitics writ an apPropri-tn new lawtion u ieveloped_ 3/52010)Deen lollltla-NFT'. Fee for Servlce retluetlon reconsltle2flon Pagel From: "Victor Fe0aluolo" mferreiuolc@wgeco.ce~ T¢ cMOtltl[ganlagerafalls ce> CC: "'Ken Burtlen'"' <kburtlen®niagarafallsca>, "Dean lortitla" ~tliortitla@maga.. Dale: 2/21201010'.42 HM Subject NFT: Fee for Servlce retluetlon recensltleratlon Oear Mr. TOtltl Asper lest evenings pounrnl session we to woultl Ilka soma remnsitlerotlon of llte pmpcsetl 6% retluUlon for our $960,000 submisslon. Las111me we submitletl a 5400 000 preposal tM1af was cuf back to 5360 OOO. Other lesser known clues In Onlado ere provitletl overa mlllon tlollen (or simper functions TM1IS year we woultl have preferretl to request $400,000, buf haping respect for Ne prooess wIN a zero percent Increase, we submlletl the same amount you pmvitletl for In 2009, $360 000. TM1IS footling Ventl Is proving to be a significant hartlsMpfor our association to tleal with. Alreatly lnformetlon centers M1ave closetl, hours have been retlucetl, staXs M1ave been laitl-oR, antl lull Ome stall bas now become part-time. We have cptimizetl so muoh that now vls¢or antl member servloe tlelNery Is In jeopertly. The signlfcance ls.a tlrop In our serviws efleot the potential ue that the city makes Nmugh business petronege In turn meking It vre tlffioult for business to pay Nalrpmpepy taxes, employ s1aR, contribute to ohenles etc TM1e eRCrts antl fJncllon of Nlagera Falls Tcunsm M1ave a tllrect oorrelation cn Ne health. pmspertly antl quellry of life for ibe resitlents. Niagara Fells Tourism is on the verge of applying me benefaal changes, but these Items impetle eur eHectveness antl epeetl n which we can acbieve [M1ese processes. You ate a cmcial patlner for yom n lntlustry of lcurism, any remnsitleratlon of [his proposetl 6°/ or $18,000 retluclion is appreclatetl. Weare available fore meeting et your eatllasl convenenoe_ Sincerely, Victor Ferraluolo Interim AtlmNisirator Nlegera Falls Tourism 5400 Robinsan Street Niagara Falls, ON L26 2A6