2010/07/19Council met on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. in an In Camera Session. All members of Council except Councillor Wing were present. Councillor Thomson presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented, the In Camera Session did rise and report in open session. DEAN IORFIDA,JCITY CLERK ELEVENTH MEETING IN CAMERA MEETING REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Committee Room 2 July 19, 2010 R.T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR Council met on Monday, July 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering Regular Business matters. All members of Council except Councillor Wing were present. Emma Montagano sang the National Anthem. Councillor Maves offered the Opening Prayer. ADOPTION OF MINUTES ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati that the minutes of June 28, 2010 be approved as amended. Councillors Thomson, Fisher and loannoni were opposed to By -law 2010 -91. Carried Unanimously DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Thomson indicated a conflict with report PD- 2010 -55, and By -laws 2010- 100 and 2010 -103. Councillor Maves indicated a conflict with report MW- 2010 -50. Councillor Pietrangelo indicated a conflict to a wire transfer made to the Niagara Catholic District School Board, his employer. Mayor Salci indicated a pecuniary interest to cheque no. 338048, made payable to himself. Girls Soccer Club OFSAA Champions 2 July 19, 2010 Council Minutes DEPUTATIONS /PRESENTATIONS Mayor Salci congratulated the members of the Saint Paul Patriots Varsity Girls Soccer team for winning the AAA Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations Champions and presented them with plaques. The Team: (Graduating Team members) Kristen Baldinelli, Alex Pasco, Kara Young, Lisa Fossey, Ann Stranges, Lindsey Gilliss -Lapp, Victoria Vaccarrio, Lauren Kafal, Sara Vitaterna. (Returning Team Members) Ally Baldassaro, Krista Lopoyda, Alicia Pappaianni, Katie Casucci, Alexa Maccarone, Krystina Ruml, Taylor Girhney, Madelyn Morgan, Sydney Santin, Brittney Haanapel, Tanya Paladino. Coaches: Stephen Abbruscato (Head Coach), Dina DiCarlo- MacLean and Alyssa Dagg (Assistant Coaches) Niagara Health Coalition Sue Hotte, Co- Chair, Niagara Health Coalition made a brief presentation to Council on the Ontario Health Coalition's report of May 17, 2010, Towards Access and Equality. Ms. Hotte addressed concerns regarding the Niagara Region and asked that Council support having an investigator look into the Niagara Health System. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Thomson request that Council reconfirm its position that the provincial government be requested to appoint an investigator to look into the complaints and issues surrounding the Niagara Health System. PLANNING MATTERS PD- 2010 -60 - 26T -11- 2010 -02 & AM-2009-002, Zoning By-Iaw Amendment Application. Deerfield Estates Phase 9 Draft Plan of Subdivision. Kalar road (West Side), South of Lundy's Lane. Owner: River Realty Development (1976) Inc. ( Stewart Branscombe) The Director of Planning and Development reviewed the recommendations and provided the following information. Background Land holdings totaling 16.4 ha (40.5 ac) Portion to be zoned Residential Single Family 1E Density (R1 E) Multiple unit blocks to be zoned R4, R5B, R5C Carried Unanimously Portion to be zoned R1 E and site specifically allow reduced lot areas; lot frontages; and side yard widths; an increase in lot coverage and to add a requirement for an attached garage. Requested zoning would permit Blocks 208 & 209 to be developed with townhouse dwelling units with increased lot coverage, reduced side yard width Blocks 210 & 211 to be developed with 3 to 6 storey apartment dwellings and also a retirement home. Neighbourhood Open House 3 July 19, 2010 Council Minutes Held on May 26, 2010 with the 4 residents present expressing concerns about the apartment dwelling blocks along Kalar Rd.; the traffic on Kalar Rd. and stormwater management Provincial Policy Statement & Growth Plan Region has directed that greenfield areas are to be built at a density of 53 persons and jobs per hectare. The subdivision complies with these densities. Official Plan and Garner Neighbourhood Secondary Plan OP designates the land Residential and these lands are intended to be developed with a variety of forms of housing. Higher density developments such as apartments are directed to lands that have access to the arterial road system to minimize traffic impacts on local streets and take advantage of transit routes. To support commercial developments lands adjacent to commercial districts can be developed with apartments between 4 and 6 storeys in height up to a density of 100 un /ha. The apartment blocks are readily accessible from an arterial road in close proximity to commercial lands. Separation provided by Kalar Rd. along with on -site yard setbacks, provides a setback from dwellings on the east side of Kalar Rd. Subdivision will be compatible with the existing and future surrounding uses. Satisfies the general intent of the Garner Neighbourhood Secondary Plan; A housing mix target of 70% singles/ 30% multiple residential units is specified. The proposed subdivision proposes 59% single units and 41% multiple units. SUBDIVISION DESIGN Served by a new east/west collector road. Two collector roadways (Parkside and St. Michael) and a local street (Kelsey) will all terminate with the new collector road. Parkland requirements were addressed through the original Deerfield subdivision. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Westerly portion of the plan of subdivision (84 single detached lots) is within the Beaverdams Creek watershed area. Stormwater in this area is to be directed to stormwater facilities in the Edgewood Estates Plan of Subdivision. Balance of subdivision is within the Warren Creek watershed area. Stormwater in this area is to be serviced by facilities to be constructed or upgraded in the future. Lots 156 to 163 inclusive and Blocks 208 -211 inclusive should be subject to a Holding (H) symbol until the necessary stormwater facility upgrades are completed. Zoning By -law Amendment Standard Residential Single Family 1 E Density (R1 E) zone has been requested for 58 of the single detached Tots. - 4 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes A site specific R1 E has been requested for 149 of the smaller single lots for a reduction ► in lot sizes from 370 sq m to 320 sq m for an interior lot and from 450 sq m to 400 sq m for a corner lot. ► in lot frontage from 12 m to 10 m for an interior lot and from 15 m to 12 m for a corner lot. To facilitate the development on the smaller Tots a number of site specific provisions were requested: ► interior side yard widths reduced from 1.2m to 0.9 m for a one storey; 1.8 m to 1.2 m for a 2- storey; ► exterior side yard widths be reduced from 4.5 m to 3 m ; ► maximum lot coverage increased from 40% to a maximum of 45 %; and ► a requirement for attached garages to provide a higher quality of development. A site specific R4 zone is requested for the 2 townhouse dwelling blocks which include the removal of apartment dwellings as a permitted use, limiting the use to townhouse dwellings. To ensure density targets there is a request for a density range from 25 un /ha to 50 un /ha The applicant is also requesting a reduction in side yard setbacks to 1.8 m and an increase in maximum lot coverage from 35% to 40% Site specific R5B zone requested to permit the development of an apartment dwelling with 58 to 65 units. Density targets will be met by imposing a minimum density of 66 un /ha. The applicant has also requested a increase in building height from 10 m to 12. 5 m to achieve a pitched roof design. The pitched roof will be in character with the dwellings in the neighbourhood. The site specific R5C zone would permit the development of an apartment dwelling or a retirement home up to 6 storeys with between 54 and 80 units. A parking standard of 0.65 units per living unit in a retirement home. A small portion of Block 210 is owned by the City as land that was once used by Niagara Falls Hydro for a transformer. This area should be subject to a holding (H) provision which can be lifted once the Record of Site Condition has been completed. Conclusion Requested approval of a draft plan of subdivision and a zoning amendment to permit the development of a subdivision with 207 single detached lots and 4 blocks for multiple unit residences. The request can be supported for the following reasons: ► The proposal complies with Provincial and Regional policies with respect to providing compact development in greenfield areas; ► The proposal complies with the Official Plan with respect to the location of higher density residential developments and with the Garner Neighbourhood Secondary Plan in terms of housing mix; and ► The plan of subdivision will provide a logical extension to previous phases of Deerfield Estates. Recommendation That the Deerfield Estates Ph 9 Plan of Subdivision be draft approved, subject to the conditions in the attached appendix. That the Mayor or designate be authorized to sign the draft plan as "approved" 20 days after notice of Council's decision has been given as required by the Planning Act, provided no appeals of the decision have been lodged. - 5 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes That draft approval be given for three years after which approval will lapse unless an extension is requested by the developer and granted by Council. That the application to amend the Zoning By -law be approved as detailed in the staff report to provide the necessary land use regulations to guide the development of the subdivision, subject to the application of a holding (H) symbol to the easterly portion of the subdivision to secure stormwater management facilities and a Record of Site Condition for part of Block 210. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement and any required documents to allow for the future registration of the subdivision when all matters are addressed to the satisfaction of the City solicitor. Deby O'Connor, 6050 Kalar Road, expressed that she is not in opposition of the lands being developed residentially but is not in favor of the proposed submission configuration. She would prefer if the applicant moved the higher density buildings to the interior of the subdivision with single family homes facing Kalar Road. Barry O'Connor, 6050 Kalar Road, had concern with the loss of frontage of the properties on the east side of Kalar Road. Ross Shierlaw, 6018 Kalar Road, advised that he would like to see them put the back side of the houses facing Kalar Road with a fence along the rear of the property. Victor Muratori, agent for the applicant, indicated that lots backing onto the arterial road are no longer acceptable under planning principles. The design and configuration of the subdivision is in keeping with the Smart Growth principles set by the Province and the City's Official Plan. Driveways have been minimized, multi- residential buildings placed on the arterial road and narrow, tall buildings are preferred to low, dense buildings. He was sympathetic with the residents but pointed out that this area is no longer a rural road. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo that the report be deferred. Background Carried Unanimously PD- 2010 -58 - AM- 2010 -007, Zoning By -law Amendment Application, 6158, 6174 and 6180 Main Street. Applicant: Napev Construction Limited. Agent: Uri Salmona, Salmona Tregunno Architects. Proposed 30 Unit Townhouse Development. The Director of Planning and Development reviewed the recommendations and provided the following information. An amendment is requested for 0.69 ha (1.7 ac) of land being 6158, 6174 and 6180 Main Street, for a 30 unit townhouse development. Applicant is requesting the land to be rezoned a site specific R4 zone to permit the development. Neighbourhood Open House A Neighbourhood Open House was held on May 26, 2010 Two options were presented: ► a townhouse complex; and ► a complex consisting of two 6- storey apartment buildings with 7 1 units. 10 residents in attendance, majority of people present did not object to townhouses. Planning Analysis Provincial Policy Statement ► The proposed townhouse development is a form of residential intensification promoted by the Province. Official Plan Property is designated Minor Commercial, in part and Residential, in part. Sites adjacent to Minor Commercial districts may be considered for multiple unit housing up to 6 storeys and up to 100 units per hectare The subject lands are not required for future commercial development. The density of the project (43 un /ha) is within the range contemplated by the Official Plan Orienting the driveway entrance to Robinson Street does not create any apparent traffic issues. Zoning Site specific R4 zoning is requested. Site specific provisions would include: ► Limiting the use to townhouses ► Reduction in minimum lot area from 250 sq m per unit to 230 sq m per unit. ► Reduction in lot frontage (Robinson St) from 30 m to 27 m ► Reduction in front and rear yard setbacks from 6m and 7.5 m, respectively to 5 m ► Reduction in side yard setback from one -half building height to 1 m. ► Reduction in the privacy yard depth from 7.5 m to 4.5 m as a result of lot configuration and to bring the units closer to Main St. ► An increase in building height from 10 m to 12 m will permit the construction of pitched roofs. ► Provide 2 parking spaces (in tandem) ► Along Main St. a wrought iron type decorative fence no taller than 1.2 m . A Holding (H) symbol needs to be applied to the zoning on the lands, which can be lifted once a Record of Site Condition has been filed. Deeming By -law The applicant has requested the City to pass a 'deeming by -law' that would merge the subject properties in the same ownership and allow them to be one lot. Conclusion The requested zoning amendment to permit a townhouse project to be developed on the property can be supported because: Recommendation 6 July 19, 2010 Council Minutes That Council approve the application to rezone the land to a site specific Residential Low Density, Grouped Multiple Dwellings (R4) zone to permit the land to be developed for 30 townhouse dwelling units with a holding (H) symbol to require the, completion of any necessary environmental site assessments and compilation of a Record of Site Condition. That Council pass a by -law to deem Part of Lots 14 and 15, Plan 268, Village of Niagara Falls and Lots 20, 21, and 22 and Part of Lot 19, Plan 653 Village of Niagara Falls to no - 7 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes longer be within the registered plans of subdivision. Tony Royston, 6091 Ross Street, welcomed the new development but expressed concern with the effect the traffic would have on Ross Street. Mr. Royston wondered if it was a possibility to have another entrance on Main Street. Joe Capparelli, 5783 Robinson Street, located directly behind property, is in favor of application but would like to see a wood fence put up in the rear of the property. Jeff Kenny, Salmona Tregunno Architects, advised that an alternate entrance way was considered but the BIA wanted an uninterrupted frontage onto Main Street. He indicated that a 71 unit, 6 storey proposal was abandoned. Fencing will be in compliance with the City's requirements. The Public Meeting was now Closed. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the report be approved as recommended. PD- 2010 -57 - AM -2010 -014, Zoning By -law Amendment Application, 6158 -6170 Stanley Avenue and 6158 Allendale Avenue. Applicants: Canop Investments Inc. and Terma Holding Inc. ( Alfredo Costabile). Agent: Italia Gilberti, Broderick & Partners LLP. Expansion to the Fallsview Inn. The Director of Planning and Development reviewed the recommendations and provided the following information. Background Carried Unanimously Parcel 1 totaling 0.69 ha (1.7 ac) on Stanley Avenue and a Parcel 2 equals 0.2 ha (0.5 ac) on Allendale Avenue. Owners are requesting a zoning by -law amendment to develop a 9 storey, 160 room hotel and restaurant. Parcel 1 is zoned Tourist Commercial (TC -645) Requesting site specific provisions permitting a 9 storey hotel with an 8 m. setback from the west property line and a 9.5 m setback from the south property line. Site specific provisions are to be applied to the lands to permit the larger building, parking requirements to be reduced to 0.8 spaces per hotel room, parking requirements for restaurants and meeting rooms be eliminated, a portion of the required parking to be provided on Parcel 2, and 40 required passenger vehicle parking spaces to be substituted with 2 bus parking spaces. Parcel 2 is zoned Tourist Commercial Permit a portion of the existing parking on the property to be used to serve the hotel. Reduce the parking requirements for a retail store to 1 space per 60 sq m of floor area. No one attended the Neighbourhood meeting held on June 16, 2010. Planning Analysis Parcel 1 is located in the Fallsview Subdistrict where building heights up to 30 storeys may be considered. ► The lands are designated Tourist Commercial in the Official Plan ► Figure 4 of the OP identifies the area where 30 storeys can be built. ► The Hotel will have a height of 9 storeys and is within the permitted height. Proposal meets most the Design Guidelines intended to guide high -rise development ► The OP requires tall buildings to reduce their massing and visual impact as they - 8 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes become taller and to provide appropriate gaps between buildings. ► The proposed hotel meets the following design criteria: • The hotel will achieve a positive building base. Podium containing a restaurant will be constructed along 75% of the Stanley Avenue frontage As the 9 storey tower steps back from Stanley Ave. a distance of 8.5 m, the massing is reduced adjacent to the sidewalk, which will mitigate the microclimate impacts • Setbacks from the north and east property line are within the design criteria. • Pedestrian environment will be enhanced • No excessive shadowing impacts • Art deco style roof feature Guidelines encourage buildings to be set back 12.5 m from side lot lines and have a maximum length to width ratio of 1:5:1 Proposed tower provides a 0 m. setback from south side lot line and has a length to width ratio of 2:1:1, so therefore does not meet the guidelines. Although desirable to have a proposal meet all of the design guidelines, the building length to width ratio is acceptable as follows: • Hotel is not within the first tier where a wall of development on top of the escarpment overlooking the Falls would have an impact. ► Current zoning allows a 9 storey hotel, guidelines permit a podium up to a height of 15 m or 5 storeys tall • Proposal involves 9.5 m long section of the hotel that is 4 storeys in height. • Due to the hotel's superstructure, it will not be possible to build taller than 9 storeys. • Large setback of the tower from Stanley Ave. will ensure the pedestrian will not be overwhelmed along Stanley Ave. The requested zoning amendment for increased building size and off -site parking can be supported. ► The requested parking standards are the provisions recommended by the City's Tourist Area Parking Demand Study. ► To ensure enough required parking is provided to service the hotel development on Parcel 1, the applicant is requesting 21 of 128 (16 %) be provided off -site. Traffic impacts are expected to be minimal given the small number of parking spaces. ► Reduction in loading area from 3 spots to 1 ► Elimination of site specific landscaping requirements for Parcel 1 and 1 m. wide along Stanley Avenue frontage of the property. Instead, the applicant is proposing decorative walls along Fallsview Blvd and Robinson Street. Site Plan Agreement /Section 37 Agreement • It will be necessary to amend the site plan agreement pertaining to Parcel 1 ► Amending By -law will secure landscaping, servicing, lighting and access on the site as well as the road widening ► S. 37 Agreement to secure a contribution to the streetscaping improvement. (Estimated cost of $100,000) Deeming By -law - requested to be passed by the City to merge parcel 1 into the same ownership and allow it to be one lot. Conclusion Requested zoning by -law amendment to permit a 9- storey expansion to the existing Fallsview Inn can be supported for the following reasons: ► The proposal is located in the Fallsview Tourist Subdistrict where the Official Plan indicates highrise development will be considered. ► The proposal complies with most of the design criteria for mid to high rise hotel developments and the departures of this proposal from these design guidelines are 9 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes considered acceptable; ► The requested parking standards are those recommended by the City's Tourist Area Parking Demand Study; • The request to locate a small amount of required parking off -site will not create any traffic or parking supply issues; and ► 6170 Stanley Avenue will be able to be treated as one parcel for zoning purposes once the deeming by -law is registered. Recommendation That Council approve the Zoning By -law amendment application to permit a 9 storey expansion to the Fallsview Inn at 6170 Stanley Avenue and to allow 16% of its required parking to be provided at 6158 Allendale Avenue, all subject to the changes in regulations addressed in the staff report (PD- 2010 -57) That prior to the passage of the amending by -law, the applicant enter into a Section 37 bonusing agreement with the City as contribution to the streetscaping abutting Parcel 1. That Council pass a by -law to deem Lots 28, 31, 32 and Part of Lot 34, Plan 270 Village of Niagara Falls and Part of Range 21, Plan 1 Stamford no longer be within the registered plan of subdivision. Italia Gilbert', Broderick & Partners, was in support of the recommendation report and advised she was available to answer any questions that Council may have. The Public Meeting is Closed. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that the report be approved as recommended. Carried Unanimously PD- 2010 -56- SBA - 2010 -001, Sign By -law Amendment Application. 6361 Fallsview Avenue. Owner: Joe DiCosimo. Permit a Ground Sign that Exceeds the Regulations in the By -law The Director of Planning and Development reviewed the recommendations and provided the following information. Proposed Application A Sign By =law Amendment is requested to permit the owners of the Hilton Hotel to erect a pylon sign at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Murray Street that will have a sign area of 62.43 sq m (672 sq ft) whereas the by -law permits a maximum sign area of 23 sq m (247.5 sq ft) Planning Analysis Official Plan Property is located in Fallsview Subdistrict of the Central Tourist Area The OP identifies the intersection of Stanley Ave. and Murray St. as one of the City's entrance gateways. Amenity and Design policies of the OP promote an attractive environment and improved physical appearance throughout the City. Signs should not have a negative impact on the amenity of the area or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Sign By -law Intent and purpose of the Sign By -law is to regulate signage within the City for purposes of public safety and aesthetics. The size of the proposed sign approaches the maximum sign area of a billboard sign, but is not a billboard as it will not contain 3 party advertising. It meets the definition of a pylon sign and as such is considered to be an oversized pylon sign. In reviewing the proposed sign it was found that: ► It will replace an existing pylon sign already on the corner ► The property has sufficient frontage on both Murray and Stanley Ave to permit 2 pylon signs which would have a total sign area only slightly less than proposed. ► The sign is proportional to the scale of the high -rise buildings on the block. ► The installation of the proposed sign will preclude any further pylon signs on the property without further amendments to the by -law; and ► The sign will be located in an area within a planted landscaped area, designed to enhance the aesthetics of the area. The Sign by -law states that "No sign located within 30 m of an intersection shall contain any green or red lettering or graphics that are illuminated or flashing" The purpose for the regulation is to preclude the potential for motorists to be confused between traffic signals and advertising signage. The proposed sign can be supported provided the text or graphics are not individually illuminated with Light Emitting Diode(LED) lighting used for traffic signals and /or the text or graphics do not flash or scroll. Conclusion The request to permit a pylon sign with a sign area of 62.43 sq m (672 sq ft) can be approved for the following reasons: ► The proposed sign meets the intent of the Official Plan ► Is in proportion to the buildings on the block ► Is located in a landscaped area; and ► The proposed sign will replace the existing pylon sign in the same location Recommendation That Council approve the Sign By -law amendment application to permit a pylon sign at the south east corner of Murray Street and Stanley Avenue having a maximum sign area of 62.43 sq. m. conditional upon the removal. Ed Lustig, Broderick and Partners, representing Hospitality Resorts Inc. indicated that the proposed signs are in keeping with other signs in th area. He reminded Council that no one has a legal right to a view. The Public Meeting was Closed. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Kerrio, seconded by Councillor Mayes that the report be approved as recommended. PD- 2010 -59, AM- 2009 -024, Official Plan Amendment No. 96, New Environmental Policies for the City of Niagara Falls. The report recommends: with Councillor Pietrangelo opposed. - 10 - MISCELLANEOUS PLANNING MATTERS 2. That the amendment be forwarded to the Niagara Region for approval. July 19, 2010 Council Minutes Carried Unanimously 1 That Council adopt the new and updated Environmental Policies to the Official Plan as modified in response to public input. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Kerrio, seconded by Councillor loannoni that the report be deferred. Motion Carried Councillor Mayes exited Chambers. b) MW- 2010 -52 Riall Street That this report be deferred. - 11 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes MAYOR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Salci offered condolences to Councillor Diodati on the passing of his Aunt Ramona Waslowski, to TammyAgnoletto, a city employee, on the passing of her father-in- law, Luigi Agnoletto, to Emanuel Matthews, from Transit Services, on the passing of his father, to Gail Hunton, Transit Services, on the passing of her grandmother, Mrs. Porter and to Alex DeCaria, city employee, on the passing of his mother, Elena DeCaria. Mayor Salci informed Council of the recent Canada Day Celebration and thanked city staff and the Committee for organizing another successful event. Mayor Salci advised of some upcoming events: Annual Commemoration of the Battle of Lundy's Lane and the Downtown Bile Show. REPORTS RATIFICATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MATTERS ORDERED on the motion of Councillor loannoni, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that the actions taken in Community Services Committee, on July 19, 2010 be approved. Carried Unanimously 1) The minutes of the June 28, 2010 meeting be approved. 2) REPORTS: a) R &C- 2010 -12 Ice Allocation Policy That Council approve the Ice Allocation Policy and that the Ice Allocation policy be effective September 13, 2010. That staff be directed to proceed with the asphalt overlay on Riall Street and to investigate the traffic safety complaints raised by the public at the Open House. c) PD- 2010 -61 Queen Victoria Fountain at the Niagara Falls History Museum - 5810 Ferry Street d) PD- 2010 -54 Matters Arising from the Municipal Heritage Committee That Council approve the following: a) Reverend William Leeming House, 5781 Highland Avenue, owner Tomas Tocek, a 2010 Designated Property Grant for the restoration of the stone foundation of the house to a maximum of $3,000 be funded from reserves. b) Former CIBC Bank /Ryall- Walker Law Office, 4190 Bridge Street, owner John Fiedorek, for the installation of artificial slate roof on the building. e) MW- 2010 -51 Tender: Lundy's Lane Historical Museum 1. That Council award the contract to CSL Collaborative Structures Ltd. at the tendered price of $7,600,000; and, - 12 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute this Agreement. f) CD- 2010 -07 Political Advertising That this report be deferred. 3) NEW BUSINESS: a) That staff investigate who's responsible for the maintenance of the native cairn on St. Paul avenue. b) That staff report back on the cost to highlight and improve the battle of 1812 markers. RATIFICATION OF IN CAMERA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the recommendation from the "In Camera" meeting on July 19, 2010 be approved. 1. That staff be authorized to proceed with the acquisition of the necessary properties required to construct the Warren Creek Channelization project as set out in the report. Carried Unanimously CONSENT AGENDA THE CONSENT AGENDA IS A SET OF REPORTS THAT COULD BE APPROVED IN ONE MOTION OF COUNCIL. THE APPROVAL ENDORSES ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THE REPORTS WITHIN THE SET. THE SINGLE MOTION WILL SAVE TIME. PRIOR TO THE MOTION BEING TAKEN, A COUNCILLOR MAY REQUEST THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE REPORTS BE MOVED OUT OF THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. F- 2010 -42 - 2009 Development Charges. The report recommends that Council receive and file the attached financial statements regarding Development Charges for the 2009 fiscal year. F- 2010 -44 - Municipal Accounts. The report recommends that Council approve the municipal accounts totalling $19,738,534.66 for the period June 10, 2010 to June 30, 2010. L- 2010 -11 - Release of Agreements, 7555 Montrose Road. The report recommends: 1. That the release of two Agreements dated August 14, 1972 and April 29, 1974 and registered on title to the lands known municipally as 7555 Montrose Road ( "subject land "), is hereby approved and authorized; and 2. That the City Solicitor be delegated the authority to sign whatever documents are required to remove redundant site plans, site plan agreements, subdivision agreements, development agreements, easements and covenants, from the title of affected properties. MW- 2010 -50 - Consultant for Risk Management Services. The report recommends: 1. That the City of Niagara Falls award the Request for Proposal for the Consultant for Risk Assessment Services to Meyers Norris Penny LLP ( "MNP ") in the amount of $94,320.00. - 13 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement. MW- 2010 -31 - Cured in Place Contract. The report recommends: • 1. The contract be awarded to the lowest bidder Insituform Technologies Ltd. At the tendered price of $372,893.00. 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. PD- 2010 -55, PLC - 2010 -004, Request for Removal of part Lot Control, Part Lots 16,17 & 18, Plan 59M -251. More Specifically Described as parts 1 through 13, Plan 59R- 14243, 6352 -6364 Pinestone Road. Owner: Walker Community Development Corporation. The report recommends: 1. That Council approve the request and pass the by -law included in tonight's agenda to designate Part of Lots 16, 17 & 18 of 59M -251, as exempt from Part Lot Control. 2. That the owner be given three years to create the new parcels and notify the City when the separate deeds have been registered. TS- 2010 -20 - Subdivision Agreements, update to Parking and Traffic By -law 89- 2000 The report recommends that the regulatory signs outlined in this report be approved for the second and third construction phases of the Deerfield Estate Subdivision, the eighth phase of the Deerfield Estates Subdivision, the first phase of the Fernwood Subdivision, the Edgewood Estates Subdivision and the Miller Road (North) Estates Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor loannoni that the reports on the Consent Agenda be approved as recommended. Carried Unanimously Councillor Mayes returned to Chambers. BY -LAWS ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati that the by -laws be given a first reading. 2010 -96 Carried Unanimously A by -law to authorize an Application General to amend the register to release two Agreements registered as Instrument Numbers RO222261 and RO222262. 2010 -97 A by -law to authorize the Mayor and Treasurer to execute this Letter of Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation for the Province of Ontario (the "Ministry ") and the City of Niagara Falls (the "Municipality ") Related to Funding Provided by the Province of Ontario (the "Province ") to the Municipality under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program as in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2010 -98 A by -law to provide for the adoption of Amendment No. 95 to the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan. (OPA No. 95) 2010 -99 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit a limited range of uses in a SC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -100 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a TC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -101 - 14 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit a furniture warehouse and retail furniture store in a GC zone, subject to the removal of a holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -102 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit a hotel in excess of 12 metres in height, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -103 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a TC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -104 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a TC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -105 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a TC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -106 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a TC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -107 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a GC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -108 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a GC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -109 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a GC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -110 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a GC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -111 A by -law to amend By -law No. 79 -200, to permit uses in a SC zone, subject to the removal of a temporary holding (H) symbol. (AM- 2009 -023) 2010 -112 A by -law to designate portions of Lots 16 & 17 and 18, Registered Plan 59M- 251, not be subject to part lot control. (PLC- 2010 -004) 2010 -113 A by -law to amend By -law No. 2008 -224, being a by -law to prohibit or regulate the placing or erecting of signs, notices, and advertising devices on public and private property within the City of Niagara Falls. 2010 -114 A by -law to amend By -law No. 89 -2000, being a by -law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads. (Yield Signs at Intersections, Stop Signs at Intersections, Parking Prohibited, Stopping Prohibited) 2010 -115 A by -law to amend By -law 2009 -71, being a by -law with respect to the installation and maintenance of either a fire safety box or a fire safety box and a lock box or existing lock box. 2010 -116 A by -law to establish Part 1 on Reference Plan 59R- xx as a public highway, to be known as and to form part of Hendershot Boulevard (HANDOUT). 2010 -117 A by -law to authorize the payment of $19,738,534.66 for General Purposes 2010 -118 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 19 day of July, 2010. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Pietrangelo, seconded by Councillor Diodati that the by -laws be read a second and third time and passed. Carried Unanimously Niagara Air Buses ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo that staff prepare a report on the Niagara Air Buses that were available for purchase. Methadone Clinic - 15 - July 19, 2010 Council Minutes NEW BUSINESS ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo that staff report back on the proposed methadone clinic across from St. Patrick's, advise what can be done to prevent this use from being located near sensitive uses, such as schools and churches, in the future and petition the Province for guidelines. Mini Asphalt Recycler ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Diodati, seconded by Councillor loannoni that staff investigate the opportunity for purchase of a mini asphalt recycler for winter road repairs. Carried Unanimously Humane Society ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Thomson, seconded by Councillor Kerrio that staff refer to the Humane Society for comments on the status of the Pamela Pitney complaint. * * * ** ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Kerrio, seconded by Councillor Maves that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Carried Unanimously Carried Unanimously Carried Unanimously Carried Unanimously DEAN RFID CITY CLERK R.T. (TED) SALCI, MAYOR