2011/09/19 (2) W fi UTY OF! .CANADA NIAGARA The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution September 19, 2011 No. 38 Moved by Councillor Pietrangelo Seconded by Councillor loannoni WHEREAS Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) has announced the Enabling Accessibility Fund, has been in place since 2008, providing $45- million every three years to expand opportunities for people with disabilities and improve accessibility across Canada; WHEREAS municipalities with populations less than 250,000 can apply for up to $50,000.00 for public projects that renovate, construct and retrofit buildings, modify vehicles for community use or provide accessible information or communication technologies. WHEREAS City staff have identified the public bus terminal as a facility lacking in barrier -free accessibility; and WHEREAS the public bus terminal is a transportation hub for local and out of town bus services that will be increasingly utilized with the introduction of the Inter - Municipal Transit service and the Visitor Transportation ( People Mover) System; and WHEREAS with more buses being barrier free, there is more of a need for the public bus terminal to have barrier -free design; and WHEREAS curb cuts, automatic doors, accessible counters and improved signage are a number of the accessible design standards that would improve the public bus terminal; and WHEREAS the deadline for submissions to HRSDC is September 23, 2011. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council supports a submission to the Enabling Accessibility Fund to renovate and retrofit the Niagara Falls bus terminal to improve barrier - free accessibility in the facility. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. . " I D ' A ' IOR' IDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLEF K MAYOR