2012/05/08 (2)The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution May 8, 2012 No. 13 Moved by Councillor Thomson Seconded by Councillor Pietrangelo WHEREAS the Women Who Care For Project SHARE (the "event ") is scheduled for June 8 to June 12, 2012 at Oakes Park; and WHEREAS Project SHARE is a non - profit organization in our community that assists local residents that fall below the poverty line; and WHEREAS this is a well - established and popular event in the community, which sees notable community individuals live in a tent to raise needed support and awareness for Project SHARE; and WHEREAS the last event raised closed to $160,000 for the organization; and WHEREAS this year's event proposes a beer garden to be run by the Greater Niagara Baseball Association; and WHEREAS to obtain a Special Occasion Liquor Licence from the Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), the event requires a resolution of Council recognizing it as a public event of municipal significance. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Niagara Falls City Council considers the Women Who Care For Project SHARE a public event of municipal significance and supports the provision of a Special Occasion Liquor Licence (SOP) for the event. Carried Unanimously AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DEAN IO1* IDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR