10/22/2013 COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 22, 2013 4:00 In Camera Committee Room # 1 5:00 Council Meeting Chambers 1 f; :li CITY OF •CARO.% N14c RA FA The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Resolution No. Moved by Seconded by WHEREAS all meetings of Council are to be open to the public; and WHEREAS the only time a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter falls under one of the exceptions under s. 239(2)of the Municipal Act, 2001. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT on October 22, 2013 at 4:00 p.m., Niagara Falls Council will go into a closed meeting, prior to their regularly scheduled meeting at 5:00 p.m. to consider matters that fall under the subject matter of 239(f)advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to property known as the Pedestrian Deck lands, and the subject matter 239(d) labour relations. AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. DEAN IORFIDA JAMES M. DIODATI CITY CLERK MAYOR Niagararalts .l ( COUNCIL MEETING October 22, 2013 PRAYER: Councilor Morocco ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Council Minutes of October 8, 2013 DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Disclosures of pecuniary interest and a brief explanation thereof will be made for the current Council Meeting at this time. 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. REPORTS CAO-2013-06 - City Position on Regional Reports * * * * * CONSENT AGENDA THE CONSENT AGENDA IS A SET OF RE PORTS THAT COULD BE APPROVED IN ONE MOTION OF COUNCIL. THE APPROVAL ENDORSES ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN EACH OF THE REPORTS WITHIN THE SET. THE SINGLE MOTION WILL SAVE TIME. PRIOR TO THE MOTION BEING TAKEN, A COUNCILLOR MAY REQUEST THAT ONE OR MORE OF THE REPORTS BE MOVED OUT OF THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. F-2013-55 - Municipal Accounts F-2013-56 - Monthly Tax Receivables Report F-2013-57 - Adding Provincial Offences Act (POA) Fines to the Tax Roll - 2 - PBD-2013-65 - PLC -2013-008, Request for Removal of Part Lot Control Block 87, Registered Plan 59M-395. Chippawa West Phase 2 Subdivision. Applicant: Rady- Pentek & Edward Surveying Ltd. (George Pietracci) TS-2013-41 - Lemon Road and Miller Road - Removal of Bridge Weight Restrictions * * * * * MAYOR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS * * * * * COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY CLERK 1 .a Winter Festival Of Lights 1 .b FX Works Inc. - requesting their respective, annual Fireworks displays. RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council, subject to appropriate insurance requirements. 2. Recycling Council of Ontario - requesting that October 21 -27th be proclaimed "Waste Reduction Week" in the City of Niagara Falls. RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council. 3. Comunita di Sant'Egidio - requesting that November 30`h be proclaimed as "cities for Life" day opposing capital punishment. RECOMMENDATION: For the approval of Council. 4. City of St. Catharines - requesting support of their resolution calling for daily GO Train Service to Niagara. RECOMMENDATION: For the support of Council. 5. Regional Municipality of Niagara - requesting comments on an application by Wal Mart for a tourist exemption under the Retail Holidays Business Act. RECOMMENDATION: Council support the application. Additional Items for Council Consideration: The City Clerk will advise of any items for Council consideration RATIFICATION OF "IN CAMERA" MATTERS - 3 - PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS Public Library Week Dr. Louis Visentin, Chair of the Niagara Falls Public Library Board will make a presentation to Council in recognition of Public Library Week and to provide Council an update of activities at the libraries. South Niagara Hospital The Mayor will recognize Larry Vaughan, Tim Parker and Shane Benvenutti for their efforts to assist the community with getting the word out about the preferred site for the new Niagara South Hospital location. World Jiu-Jitsu Silver Medalist Michael Pisano will be recognized for winning two silver medals at the World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. Provincial Championships The Niagara Falls Falcons Minor Pee Wee Baseball team will be recognized for their fourth Provincial Championships. PLANNING MATTERS 7:00 P.M. Public Meeting: Official Plan Amendment No. 113, Proposal to Lift the Deferral of the Morrison/Dorchester Node Recommendation Report: PBD-2013-64 - AND- Correspondence David McKay, MHBC RESOLUTIONS THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Expression of Interest, for the Kalar Road Reconstruction Project, to be submitted by the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, for the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund, is factually accurate. - 4 - BY-LAWS The City Clerk will advise of any additional by-laws or amendments to the by-laws listed for Council consideration. 2013-154 A by-law to designate Block 87, Registered Plan 59M-395, not be subject to part-lot control. 2013-155 A by-law to amend By-law No. 89-2000, being a by-law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads (Weight Limits on Bridges) 2013-156 A by-law to amend By-law No. 89-2000, being a by-law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads. (Speed Limits on Highways - (Part 2 - 60 km/h), Speed Limits on Highways - (Part 3 - 70 km/h), Parking Prohibited) 2013-157 A by-law to amend By-law No. 89-2000, being a by-law to regulate parking and traffic on City Roads. (Stopping Prohibited, Standing Prohibited, Parking Prohibited, Parking Meter Zones) 2013-158 A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Regional Municipality of Niagara respecting an Inter-Municipal Tax Collection Agreement. 2013-159 A by-law to authorize the payment of $21,047,417.17 for General Purposes. 2013-160 A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting held on the 22nd day of October, 2013. * * * * * NEW BUSINESS